Chapter XIII "A Day Off"

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(Y/n) POV:

It took a while, but I was finally back in the Pride ring, my energy completely drained as I took a deep breath '...Ever since Alastor came to me... I've been living true hell,' I walked down the streets, no longer having to deal with assassins and slowly making it to the hotel where more demons were gather 'I might have been wrong about this plan...' I started realizing. I walked inside and was welcomed by a unenthusiastic Husker sipping on a bottle of beer "Husk! Were is everyone?" I asked while looking around "Went out to put up more posters," he simply said "That's all the information you gonna give me or...?" I asked but was ignored.

I decided to the couch and take a seat to wait for them to return, but felt a pat on my shoulder which made me look over and see Cherri standing there "How's it going?" she asked, jumping over and sitting beside me "Oh you know, the usual, nearly dying, shoot and kill, that sort of stuff," I shurgged "And what about coworkers?" she asked. This made me think for a while before looking back "I honestly don't know much about them," I simply said "...Seriously?" she asked "Yea, nothing known about them," I admitted "...How long have you worked with them?" she asked as started doing the math in my head "...Few weeks, maybe a month?" I guessed.

She faced palmed herself before looking at me again "You mean all this time, not once did you consider getting to know them?" she asked "I've been busy staying alive," I shrugged before she stood up "Well that is unexpectedly," she said "How so?" I asked "Did you get close to me by not knowing anything about me?" she asked, completely cutting off any argument I had. She grabbed my hand and forced me to stand "I'm gonna give you everyone's current locations, and your job is to get to know them!" she said while pushing me out the hotel "Wait a damn minute, I didn't agree to this!" I tried to protest "To bad, Bye!" she said while closing the door.

I was left standing outside before a text from Cherri popped into my phone, saying good luck along with the location of Alastor, Angel, Nifty, Husker, Vaggie, and Charlie 'Husker is inside though,' my train of thought was then cut by another message saying "Follow the list" '...Fuck me I guess,' I turned towards the street and headed out to find Alastor, who was first on the list.

~Time Skip~

I found Alastor attempting to gather people for the hotel, however the streets were practically empty due to his status of Radio Demon "Yo! Al!" I yelled, catching his attention "Ah! (Y/n), glad to see you aren't six more feet under!" he said, extending his hand "Nice try," I slapped his hand away "Come now, (Y/n)! just trying to extend a gentle greeting!" he explained while extending his hand again. I gave a small sigh and shook it, luckily not being tricked into signing my freedom away "Now then, what brings you around here?" he asked "Cherri kicked me out the hotel, said I had to get to know the staff better," I explained.

Alastor simply laughed "You already know me well enough, don't you?" he asked "Yes and no... we've really only known each other through business," I started realizing "Of course! Quite unfortunate friendship was never a thing with us," he said, seeming unbothered "Mostly because you nearly killed me..." I explained. He laughed harder "Oh! I remember that time, even with blessed weapons you weren't exactly... blessed," he said, almost trying to mock me "Yea well, I'm just glad you let me live I guess," I admitted "And quite unfortunate you are no longer under my leadership," he added "Unfortunate for you, not me," I said.

He then stared me dead in the eyes, his atmosphere becoming serious "Yet... you've already completed your end of the deal, but still you're here," he pointed out "...The assassins are still on me and Charlie," "And your own assassin is taking care of them," he quickly countered "...Well," I tried to think of another excuse. Alastor smirked at my confusion "Why are you still here if everything you've needed is taken care of?" he asked "You could have gone home the second you returned from Greed, yet you stay... why?" he asked again, stumping me as I started asking myself the same question "...Whatever the reason, find out quick! may be a reason you never expected!" he said while walking away.

The bridge of Heaven and Hell//Charlie Morningstar x Male readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora