Black Bimma

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"Black Bimma"



The past few weeks have been nothing but work for me. I have taken up the responsibility of working in one of my parents' many business places here in Monetgo Bay. I am doing it for the experience because I know it's something that will look wonderful on my college application or even on my resumé.

I've worked hard in school and I won't stop now. If I get accepted into my favored university, or get my desired job, it won't be because of my parents' status.

It would have been due to my own hardwork.

The digital clock on my desk reads 12:30 pm.

I don't hesitate to grab my tote bag and exit the space of the office.

I step into the elevator pressing the button for the ground floor.

"Lunch time?" Mr. Henry smiles at me knowingly as he opens the door. He has been working here for a very long time. He is an elderly man with a keen sense of humor.

"Yuh know mi nah hitch." I respond with a laugh as I exit the building.

A wave of heat hits me as I step through the door. The air conditioned building that I had been inside all morning didn't prepare me for this hell hole.

I begin fanning myself with my hand as my other holds my phone to my ear.

I'm not sure where to head for lunch today.

The taxi I called earlier stops in front of me. The man have sense—him air conditioner on. "Which part yah reach pretty girl?" He asks and I look up from my phone to respond.

"Baywest," I still had no idea what I wanted. But I'll figure it out by then.

When I exit the car I head towards Island Grill. Couldn't go wrong with a Jerked Chicken Sandwich and two fries, after all.

The bus drivers loading their vehicles are on the top of their voices per usual.

"One and move," A stout man yells.

"Falmouth yah go slimmaz?" I shake my head in response and continue walking.

As I'm about to cross the road a heavily tinted, black BMW stops directly in front of me—in the middle of the long line of traffic.

A who suh brite?

The window rolls down revealing a familar face and a beautiful smile.

I recognize the person to be Mafia, who I had met at Javier's club opening.

"Who dat, Kali?" He asks in a playful tone as a sly smile tugs on his lips. He gives me a one-over without shame. I bring him back to reality, "You're obstructing traffic, Sir." He seems oblivious to the numerous cars blowing their horns behind him.

He hisses his teeth in response.

"Dem can wait, where are you heading?"

I point in the direction of the fast food outlet and he nods before rolling up his window, he makes sure that I make it across the road safely before parking in an available space nearby. I shake my head in disbelief as I head inside.

"Never took you as the working type, you partied way too hard." I laugh before responding. "That's what weekends are for, are they not?" He nods his head seemingly satisfied with my answer.

"Love a girl weh ambitious." He says, taking a sip of his lemonade.

We have been engaged in comfortable conversation as I finish my lunch.

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