Making Amends

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"Making Amends"



Whenever I step into a room, my mere presence demands attention. Eyes watched my every move. Some would watch in appreciation, others lust, and the majority? They just watched with a gaze full of pure hatred.

As I walked into this building, I could tell that it was the latter.

They really resented me, I thought to myself. Yet, they still wanted to work with me and that said it all.

It was no secret of how big in business I was. Everyone wanted a slice of the cake or wanted my merchandise for themselves. But I didn't mantain my position and clientele by going around and allowing people to just get whatever they wanted so easily.

Of course, not.

Everything had a price, but doing business with me costed more than a few measly millions dollars.

Lexanne looked at the lady at the front desk in pure annoyance. She was already upset that I'd been late for this meeting. She was worried for all the wrong reasons. I was more than willing to be here. I laughed, inwardly. This? This was going to be fun.

Kalíanna also felt the same anxiety. It was basically radiating off of her. She stood to my left, unsure of what to expect and maybe she had every right to be. We weren't exactly the best of friends. Her arm clinged to mine and I look down on her, but her gaze was elsewhere.

"Mr. Stevenson will be here, shortly." She finally announced after a brief back and forth with Lexanne—which she lost by the way. "You may wait for him in the board room, top floor." She hands her a key card, for the elevator I'm guessing, which she passes on to me.

"I need to do a few things, I trust that you'll be on your best behavior, Mr. Santos. Don't make any irrational decisions, please." She pleads then she walks away in a hurry after giving Kali a quick hug.

Why did everyone seem to think I had some ulterior motive? I mean, I did.

But what if I just wanted to do someone a favor, like genuinely?

You don't do favors

I watched as the numbers increased as the elevator ascended further and further, up.

"Yuh good?" Her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth and she was unusually quiet. I brought my hand up, tugging her lip from between her teeth. "Relax, talk we ago talk. Two a we agree to it." I said, matter-of-factly.

I don't know what more I could say to comfort her, I already promised not to hurt him. That should have been enough considering everything he has done.

She folded her arms, defiantly.

"No, uno communicate through uno assistant them. Big difference." She retorts, satisfying the idea that she was in fact worked up about this confrontation.

She heaved a sigh, wrapping her arms around me and I wrap a arm around her as well, holding her closer to me. I lean down placing a light kiss on top of her forehead.

"Just cool nuh."

She nods slightly.

"You promised." She reminds me.

"I know."

I wasn't going to let anything go that easily, but I'll try to be as civil as possible

"Mi suprise seh yuh wear a suit." She mumbled, trailing a hand down my chest.

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