Unfair Games III

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Unfair Games

Part III



"Yo, eh better come out a mi face. Yah start fi irritate mi now, Ari." If it was any other day or any other night I probably would have had the energy to just stand  here and allow her to shout as much as she needed to.

But it just wasn't one of those nights, not after everything that had taken place in this very parking lot a few minutes prior. This was way too much drama for one night, they could have saved some for tomorrow.

Although, I'm very certain this won't end here.

I could empathize with the way Arielle behaved sometimes. Rationally speaking, she didn't know any better, she grew up in a pretty fucked up household and unlearning all the bad stuff took time, I understand. I've been there, done that.

On the contrary, she needs to learn to calm the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

She lucky mi love har

I was leaned against my car and she stood before me with a single finger pointed in my face, as she single handedly carried this argument on her back.

She was arguing with herself at this point because the only words I have uttered the past few minutes was the warning I gave her just now.

I sparked my lighter, lighting up my spliff.

"Sometimes mi feel like yuh deven care."

"Mi tell you dat? Atleast anything yuh want believe, believe."

"Dandre yuh just—"

"Done." Mi ears dem tiaad, now and it's like she doesn't plan on stopping this nonsense. "Dat a yuh problem, yuh nuh know when fi' bloodclaat done."

I didn't raise my voice this time, I didn't like the idea of shouting and if I had to, to get my point across it just didn't make sense.

I exhaled the smoke through my nose watching as it drifted lazily through the night air.

She raises a hand at me and I grab it the second she does. I look at her sternly, bet yuh never. I apply a little pressure, not nearly enough to cause her any real pain but just enough to get my point across.

"Mi will broke dis and mek two a we affi go up a hospital go siddung. Pick yuh poison." I offer her a half smile before   dropping her arm.

She pins me with a hard stare before folding both of her arms beneath her breasts, in deafeat.

"Smart, girl." I commended, tapping the side of my head for emphasis.

I take another puff of my weed. It helped in calming my nerves. A spliff or two is always good for the soul. The brain? Not so much.

But I could live with the permanent damage, if it meant that I got a temporary relief.

It was better than nothing , I thought to myself.

I looked down on Arielle who just stood before me quiet, her brows slightly pinched and even if I was a hundred miles away, I'd still be able to sense her irritation.

She had a hell of a temper.

I think sometimes she forgets that it wouldn't be a fair fight if I indulged her.

It's laughable.

She's now upset, more than ever, that I cut her little tantrum short but it was for the greater good.

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