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Hearing those words certainly sent a chill down my spine. But I didn't feel any remorse for him. Is that so bad–or did that make me a bad person? Not after everything he has done to me. He isn't deserving of my remorse–even if his karma was as harsh as death.

May his soul rest in peace though. . . wherever it is.

The deepest pits of hell probably

I can't help but dwell on the fact that Javier would go as far as killing someone for me. The thought would have been comforting if it wasn't a bit unsettling. Him mentally unwell. Not everyone walks around mudering people for their own selfish adgendas.

Despite the fact that he has said it countless times before, it's more so frightening that he truly did it. He without a doubt followed through with this threat of his, proving it wasn't one that was empty.

What does someone say in a case like this one, Thanks?

You don't just say 'thanks' to someone for taking a life on your behalf.

I let out a sigh of relief as my gaze drifts to the scenery outside of the car. I silently watch as the town slowly passes by. The sun had already gone down and the bright lights are now on display. They all shine brightly as if they're in some unspoken competition with the stars in the night sky. They're beautiful, of course but they don't stand a chance.

The air coming in through the window is a bit too humid but I don't roll my window up. I was enjoying the slight chill.

I was very appreciative of the small things life had to offer but all good things have to come to an end and so the serenity of the night drive dissappears as Javier pulls up to the gates of the upscale community.

The stress of what awaited me inside washes over me.

"Good night." I greet the lady at the security post and she offers me a warm smile in return.

I called my mother earlier, she was still out of parish but she told me that my father should be home. I wasn't going to stay in a house with an unhinged man.
The thought wasn't very comforting at all, especially, with his track record with picking fights with me.

I simply didn't have the energy to engage in silly little quarrels with him, tonight.

I just needed to get in and out because I didn't intend on staying there.

I need to grab few of my things because I wanted to stay with Javier and his mother for awhile.

Ms. Shauna would be in Monetgo Bay for the next few days and I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could.

Javier's car come to a halt just outside the gates of the house.

"I should have already have a bag packed, I just need to get it and get out." I told Javier and I watch as he turns off the car. I unbuckle my seatbelt, looking over at him. He looked so good in his Essentials sweat suit. I stared for a moment longer just admiring him.

When he catches me staring I quickly divert my gaze.

"My father is home, yuh cya come inside." I informed him, just as reaches for the door handle.

I could tell he wasn't ok with the idea of me being inside of the house with him alone even if it was only for a few minutes.

"Mi nah tek long." I reassured him.

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