Risky Gamble

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"Risky Gamble"



"Doh. . ."

His low threat was taunting.

I knew exactly what followed, "Fuck up." I finished for him.

No matter how many times I heard it, it still had the same effect. And he without a doubt, always has an effect on me.

I could lie to myself and say I hate him but my mind-my body most of all, would never allow me to forget the feel of him.

I wanted to hate him, though. Even if it was for a little bit, just to show him that I still had some fight left in me and he didn't have wrapped around his finger.

But the way my pussy throbbed at just the mere sound of his deep voice, told an entirely different tale.

Maybe it's the light buzz of the liquor

Or. . .I just needed to get ahold of myself

I'm probably just obsessed with the guy and don't even know it yet. It was a drastic conclusion to make but there was no better way of describing how deeply I felt for him. There was just something about him-something I could never get enough of.

A chill ran through me and it had nothing to do with the fact that I was caged against the cold granite counter. It was his large palm emcompassing my throat, his hand easily spawns my entire neck. He runs a single thumb over my racing pulse, just staring down on me and I hold his gaze.

I've missed him

It was ok to miss him, right?

And as his eyes bore mine, searching for somthing, I'm not sure what-there was this softness there. . .that was always there, whenever his eyes met my own.

No matter how angry he claimed to be. . .that soft look was always there.

I breathed in a sharp breath, it was getting more difficult for me to breathe.
He realizes this but he still doesn't let go and I don't waver either. I'm not accepting defeat so easily.

I put on my best poker face as I ignore the burning feeling of my lungs.

I hope he knew that I had no intention of backing down and if it was up to me, we'd stay right here, like this for the rest of the night or atleast, until my lungs give out.

This is exactly how dangerous predators lured and trapped their prey, I thought to myself.

But I couldn't help it, when I was with Javier, I had no sense of danger-even though he was danger, himself.

My flight or fight instincts were good as dead.

It was just Javier and there wasn't any other answer, no other direction because all roads lead straight back to him.

His jaws were clenched, he was upset over nothing. I was safe and that's all that mattered. His other hand stayed splayed on my ass in a vice grip, he didn't move it and I silentily, hoped that he would.

I wanted it to drift further and I wanted him to play with me right here, in the house of someone I don't even know.

Surrounded by a couple hundred people I've never met.

In the middle of a party, he didn't want me to attend.

And what I wanted even more? Was for him to do anything he liked, as long as he would like becuase I'd allow it.

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