Birthday Trip

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"Are you sure you're gonna be ok watching them?" Rory asked

"For the millionth time, yes" Lorelai said

"Even without Grace's cochlears?"

"I know sign language. Go have alone time with your husband. It's important"

"Sammy's medicine is important" Rory said

"I know"

"3 times a day. You can't miss a dose. The schedule is on the fridge" Rory said

"I know"

"And on Monday, Nicky's not in his usual class, he's in the gold program" Rory said. Chilton's program for gifted students was called the gold program "He might not remember so you'll have to remind him"

"Rory" lorelai put her hands on Rory's shoulders "I've watched your kids before"

"But not since Sammy was born. You've never had to do the medicine, and you've never had to do the school drop off"

"Go relax and enjoy your birthday. I'll see you on Monday"


Rory and Logan said goodbye to the kids before heading to tone I house on Martha's Vineyard, for Rory's birthday weekend.

The next morning Lorelai got all 3 kids up and ready. Instead of moving all 3 car seats from either Rory or Logan's car into Lorelai's, Rory just left Lorelai her car key. Lorelai put all 3 kids in the car and headed to Chilton. After dropping Grace off at her classroom, Lorelai, Nicky, and Sammy, made their way to the elementary school building.

"Do you know that mommy went to school here?" Nicky asked as they walked through the halls.

"I do" Lorelai smiled "and right about now, I'm wondering how she didn't get lost in this place, every single day"

Nicky giggled "you're silly"

"Am I?"

"Yeah" Nicky said and then stopped walking.

Lorelai turned around "why'd you stop?"

"That's my class" Nicky said and pointed to the door next to him.

"Alright, then let's go in"

Because preschool started at 8 and elementary school didn't start until 8:30, Nicky was always the first one there, not that he really cared. When They walked into Nicky's classroom Mr. Medina was already in there.

"Hi Mr Medina" Nicky said

"Hi Nicky" Max smiled before noticing Lorelai "Lorelai! What are you doing here?"

"I'm babysitting" Lorelai said "My daughter's birthday present from me this year is a child free weekend that she'll probably spend worrying about them"

"I see" Max chuckled


Saturday morning Lorelai woke up with Grace in her bed. Luke had already gone to the diner.

"Hi" Grace giggled

"When did you get here?" Lorelai asked. Grace didn't answer. "Right. You're deaf. I'm talking to a kid who can't even hear me. Actually I'm just talking to myself" she sighed "grandma's going crazy" she signed to Grace.

Grace giggled

"You want breakfast?"

Grace nodded

"Alright, come on"

A little later she was sitting at the table eating breakfast with Nicky and Grace. Sammy was still asleep. Grace was trying to tell her about something, and while Lorelai knew sign language, she was definitely have trouble following the thought process of a 3 year old.

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