Authors Note

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Yo, what's good gang. The idea for this story came to me while I was listening to ABBA , hence the name. I sort of just came up with one specific scene based off the song, and the rest was just my 3AM silliness.
Edit- I have since scrapped that idea and that scene. For anyone wondering this used to be called "Angeleyes".

This is sorta the first story I'm writing. I wrote another one with my friend a little while ago, but took it down because we hadn't written the chapters in order, weren't that interested in it anymore, and the reason we were writing it was a bit odd, so we stopped writing it.

Anyways, I'll try and keep this story as accurate to the actual Yukierre timeline as possible, but I might get the occasional detail wrong, or just have to switch up some stuff for the plot.

I was thinking about writing that English isn't my first language just in case I made an embarrassing spelling mistake or just can't spell something, but it is and I need to work on my pathologic lying problem. I will try my best with having correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc. And I usually am pretty good with it. It always gets on my last nerve when Wattpad authors don't have A+, award winning, Nobel peace prize writing skills.

I have some other books in the works right now too, but I'm not sure when I will publish them. There is one that I might start posting along with this one, but the rest will probably have to wait. I'm not too great with x reader or x oc stuff, but I might write that in the future. The stories I'm currently also writing are a Max, Daniel, and Lando story(saying the ship might ruin the story), Charles Leclerc x reader, Brocedes(maybe, I have the first bit drafted, but idk if I'll continue it), and I am a fan of football/soccer, so I've got the beginning of a Haalingham one too. I may however lose interest in them before I can finish them and they might never see the light of day.😭

This is a long authors note, so sorry for that. There might be a lil bit of homophobia happening later on, idk, but I'll put a warning in any chapters where there is. Of course this is all fake(probably), and I don't mean for it to be rude or anything. If any of the drivers were to ever speak out and say they don't like content like this being created, I'd take it down immediately. Also no hate to any of these drivers actual partners, I love every single F1 drivers partner. Besides Kelly Piquet. I don't hate her, but I don't necessarily like her either. (Please don't dox me and kill my family for saying that🤗)

Also, just a lil disclaimer, don't believe anything I say if I put an authors note at the end of a chapter. Like I said, I do turn into a pathological liar after 9PM, and I'm not sure when I'll be writing these. I'll try to update Mondays and Fridays, but that might go out the window.

Hope y'all enjoy
~lil boy Deviou$(that's my rapper name) (I'm not a rapper)(follow me on Spotify, I've got some amazing playlists)

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