Chapter 5

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"This is a terrible idea."

"Aww c'mon Carlos! You always ruin the fun." Lando had caused a commotion while looking for Carlos, only for his idea to immediately be shut down.

"Lando, do you really think you'd be able to pull this off without causing any major consequences? You don't even have a plan yet, and whatever you come up with I'm sure will be stupid." Carlos, unlike Lando, had a little bit of sense, and actually thought before rushing into stupid situations.

"Please Carlos! Please! Yuki wants help!" Lando begged.

Carlos looked over to Yuki and Nyck, who were both standing in the doorway. "Is this true?"

"I mean...I don't know. I guess so. But I don't want to mess with Kika's life, or do anything to make her look bad or anything. But...I mean I wouldn't necessarily complain if Pierre broke up with her." Yuki responded. "So, yeah. Your help would be greatly appreciated."

Carlos sighed. "Fine, but give me a minute to think."

Carlos did think for a very long moment before finally speaking again. "Nyck," he began.

A quiet "Oh no" was heard from Nyck's direction.

"How involved are you willing to get in this?" Carlos asked.

"Um, I'm a bit nervous as to what you mean by that, but I guess as long as it doesn't involve criminal activity, I'm down." Nyck nervously replied, backing away from Carlos just the slightest bit.

"Great! I have the perfect idea then!" Carlos exclaimed.


"I'm starting to rethink this." Nyck whispered to Yuki.

Carlos's plan seemed like a fine idea at the time, but now they actually had to put it in motion, it didn't seem as promising.

Carlos had suggested that Nyck and Yuki pretend to be dating. Not actually confirm a relationship or anything, but just act more flirty around each other. That way, if Pierre really did have feelings for Yuki, there was a chance he would break up with Kika and admit his feelings to Yuki. Key word: chance. Yuki wasn't so sure this would work out.

They were currently getting ready to go out for interviews and talk to fans, and Carlos had instructed them to just drop hints.

They got out to the stage and the lady there started asking them questions. It was all fine until she asked the most awaited question.

"So, Yuki, how are you doing in AlphaTauri without Pierre." She asked.

Yuki wasn't sure how exactly to respond. Just drop hints. Carlos's words replayed in his head

"Oh well I miss him, but now I've got a new boyfriend, Nyck De Vries." He let out a nervous chuckle and put his arm around Nyck's shoulders. The fans seemed to enjoy the interaction, and the interview was soon over.


Yuki was now sitting in his hotel room scrolling through Instagram. The official F1 account had posted the clip of Yuki calling Nyck his boyfriend to their story, and Yuki knew it was only a matter of time before Pierre saw it.

And only a few seconds later, he received a notification. A dm from a certain Frenchman regarding a certain Insta story.


I can't believe you've moved on so fast Yukino😢

Sorry he's just better
I love him more😒

I can see that😭
Please one last chance Yuki😭🙏


They continued to talk for a little while longer, before Yuki realized how late it was and mentioned that they had a race the next day.

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