Keeping Your Word.

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Bill did not give Tom a single moment of peace, constantly trying to pry information out of his brother and giving countless scoldings. Tom was surprised he managed to keep his sanity.

"Are you going to tell her?"
"It would be better for you both!"
"You could have told me!"
"You should go talk to her."

That had been all that Tom was hearing for majority of the day. So when his twin announced he would be going out with Georg and Gustav, Tom felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders. Finally the world was on his side. He loved his brother, and valued his advice, but he needed a break from hearing about it constantly.

Bill and the other boys had invited Tom of course, but Tom denied. He reminded his brother about the plans he had made with Ava. Bill didn't approve.

The distraction will do me good, Tom thought.

For the most part he spent his day answering emails or playing his guitar. The hours went by slowly. Tom poured himself a glass of whisky as he grew more anxious. Not because he was nervous, rather he couldn't stop hearing Bill's words in his head.
By the time the clock read ten o'clock at night, Tom had already drank three glasses of whiskey, pouring himself a fourth as he sat in the lounge. One arm was sprawled over the head rest of the couch, one leg folded over the other as he stared at nothing in particular.

His jaw was set as his irritation grew the more he heard his brother's voice in his head.

"You should talk to her!"

No, he couldn't.

Nine years had gone by without talking to her, why try now. He would lose his voice and forget all words if he went up to her.

Outside it was completely dark without a single strip of light in the clear black sky.
The room had darkened too, the one light that remained on produced a small amount of light and therefore leaving the room slightly dark.

The alcohol he had consumed was causing his vision to go bad and for his head to spin.

God, where was that girl when he needed her? Tom thought bitterly. He finished the last drop of whiskey left in the glass. At the same time there was a series of harsh knocks on the front door.

Tom sighed. He stood from the couch and placed his empty glass on the coffee table.
He presumed Ava and her friend weren't exactly sober either, from the loud banging on the door and the female giggles he could hear.

A distraction will do me good. Tom reminded himself as he walked to the door.
Opening the door, his eyes widened in shock and confusion by what greeted him.
He expected to see two tipsy girls, dressed in skimpy outfits with heavy makeup. He didn't see that. He saw the one person who wouldn't leave his mind, who had taken all his attention and was the centre of all his thoughts.


She was standing there, outside his home, knocking on his door.

Tom stated at her. That's when he noticed her odd behaviour.

She was grinning widely at him, her eyes slightly dazed. The short dress she wore was slightly messed up and her makeup was smudged. Her body swayed, every once in a while she would lose her balance despite standing. Then Tom smelled the stench of alcohol that clung to her, filling his senses. He recognised the giggles to be her's and not Ava's. He should've known, he always loved the sound of Maeve's laugh.

Seeing her looking so vulnerable Infront of him stirred something in him. A growing feeling bloomed inside him, he had the strong urge to protect her. To hold her. To know she was safe and being the one to make certain of that.

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