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-  flash-back  -

Tom's fingers tapped against the side of his thigh as he was left to wait in a pool of nerves. Bill was whispering encouraging words into his ear, but he didn't hear them.

His eyes were trained to the oak double doors at the end of the aisle.

His wife to be would soon emerge through those doors, Ria. In a white wedding gown with a bouquet in her hands and her father at her side.

But he wasn't thinking about Ria.

No, he was thinking about someone else.

He pictured Maeve in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle towards him. He pictured how beautiful she would look.

It was wrong to think about another woman on his wedding day. He knew that, yet he couldn't get her out of his head.

He prayed she would walk through those doors, in a wedding dress or not, he didn't care. He would take it as a sign.

A single glimpse of her face and he would stop everything. A whiff of her scent, and he would follow it.

The piano seemed to get louder. He felt Bill squeeze his shoulder in support before moving to the side.

The doors opened and Tom felt his breath get caught in his throat for a split second, then his hopes died and reality set in.

Ria walked down the aisle. Her dress was simple but elegant. Her hair fell in curls down her back. A bundle of white flowers were held in her hands. She smiled at Tom.

Tom put on a brave smile. He was stupid to think she would show up. He had to move on.

He helped his future wife up the alter steps as her father gave her away.

Ria was his future, not Maeve. This was his sign.


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