Missing Puzzle Pieces.

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Ben wasted no time in informing Maeve of all the compliments she received at the party. He spared no details and shared his thoughts.

The party had been thrown to celebrate the success of the magazine Maeve had shot the front cover for.

According to Ben, she had disappeared after two hours or so. Maeve assumed that was when she went to Tom and Bill's house. She didn't remember much other than a few blurry faces and colourful lights.

Maeve tried her best to keep herself busy because she knew her mind would go running back to Tom. She cringed at the thought of the night before.

Who just shows up at someone's house? Especially drunk!

She had figured out that someone at the party was a friend of Bill's, so that was how she found her way to his house. Maeve realised that as soon as she seen her text asking her if she got home ok.

Way to embarrass herself.

The minute she got to her bedroom she changed out of Tom's clothes. The scent of his usual cologne was heavy on the fabric. Something about wearing his clothes made Maeve feel funny.

She put them into the washing machine, once they were cleaned she put them into the dryer.

With nothing else left to do, it seemed the only option was to think about last night. The way Tom and her slept in the same bed,  with Maeve in his arms and Tom holding her by the waist. Maeve realised that was probably the best sleep she had gotten in years. She couldn't deny the feeling of safety she felt, or the calmness when it was just him and her despite their minds causing havoc with thoughts of each other.

She couldn't ignore the longing her heart had to be in his arms again.

She wanted to be in his arms again.

Maeve cursed herself for how silly she was being. She was overthinking it.

She could hear Ben on the phone to somebody in the other room. He was laughing loudly, Maeve could picture the smile on his face. A rare enough sight.

It made her feel lonely.

Listening to him talk happily to someone, whilst she sat in the plain and empty bedroom. She wanted to laugh with someone and say her thoughts aloud. She wanted someone to listen to her and tell her what to do. She didn't want to be alone.

Wiping the stray tear that escaped from her eye, she turned on her phone. Scrolling through her contacts she pressed on the name she was looking for. It didn't take long for the person on the other side to answered.

"Maeve! Christ, it's been a long while." Charlie's merry voice came from the device. It was just how she remembered, happy and light with an Irish accent.

Maeve smiled.
"Yeah it has. How are you?" She wanted any excuse to talk to him, to hear his voice and pretend he was there with her.

"I'm grand-" Before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted. Maeve could vaguely hear childish giggles in the background.

"Daddy! Come play tea party!" Charlie's daughter, Dearbhla, screamed.

"Just give me five minutes sweet heart." Charlie tried his best to ease his daughters excitement.

"Come on sweetheart, daddies busy." An older female voice spoke up, Angela. Maeve listened to their laughing she could practically picture the scene in her head.

"You're busy, I'll call you another time." Maeve excused. She wanted to be selfish and talk to him for longer, but he had a family to be with.

"Are you sure?" Charlie asked, she could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"Yeah not it's fine." Maeve felt her eyes burn as they grew watery. She tried her best to keep her voice steady.

"Alright then, bye." Charlie laughed, presumably at his daughter's antics.

"Bye." Maeve said quietly.

Charlie and her exchanged a few more good-byes before the call ended.

Maeve let out a breath. Tears rolled freely from her eyes as a sob broke from her mouth.

It was ironic how she sat there crying after something she actively avoided; a family, a stable relationship and a permanent home. She told herself that life wasn't for her. Now that she had gotten the chance to travel the world, meet new people, she wasn't sure what she wanted anymore.

She scrolled through her contacts once more with shaky hands. She pressed Emilia's name. Unlike Charlie, she didn't answer. Maeve sighed in defeat.

She rested her face in her hands. She could still hear Ben laughing on the phone. She could picture Charlie's happy life with his wife and daughter, and soon to come twins. She wondered how happy Emilia must be with her boyfriend. The two had been dating for almost three years.

It seemed to Maeve that everyone was moving on, whilst she was moving backwards.

Looking up her vision was blurry from the tears. God, she felt pathetic. She felt her hands tighten their grip in her hair as the frustration grew inside her. She tried to calm her breathing, taking deep breaths in and out. As she wiped her tears and blinked a couple times her eyes caught the sight of Tom's shirt and trousers folded up on the desk.

She stared at them oddly. Tom's clothes looked so alien when sitting in her room, amongst her belongings. As she stared at the fabric she turned on her phone again. She didn't have Tom's new number, but she had Bill's.

Is tomorrow a good time to stop by?

Bill replied almost immediately.

Yeah, you can come by anytime!

Maeve's eyes flickered back up to his clothes. Maybe she could talk to him, clear the awkwardness between them. She remained hopeful. The tears had stopped and she managed to calm herself down.

Maeve stood from her bed and made her way out of the room, she didn't want to see his clothes anymore, because she didn't want to continue thinking of him.


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