After Party.

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"So this whole time you two didn't even hate each other!?" Emilia looked at her two friends dumbfounded.



Tom raised his brows in amusement as Maeve glared at him.

"You don't fuck someone you hate." Emilia spoke as if it were obvious. She stared at Maeve both confused and annoyed with the lack of answers she was receiving.

"I agree." Said Tom, making Maeve's blood boil further. Emilia held in a laugh as she stared at both their faces.

"Clearly you two need some time to talk." Emilia awkwardly moved her weight from one foot to the other.



"Yeah I'm gonna go. This is too weird." Emilia gave one last smile to Maeve before she quickly walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door. As soon the sound of the door closing after her was heard, Maeve approached Tom slowly. Her hands clenched tightly at her sides.
"You just had to make that worse, didn't you? You couldn't of lied, or made up some excuse? Or maybe, you didn't have to be so loud, and you definitely didn't have to fucking agree with everything Emilia said and make things worse! God, you're impossible -"

Tom watched silently as Maeve lectured him. He found it cute. The way her eyebrows would raise and lower, that nose scrunch she would sometimes do, or the wild hand gestures as she got more annoyed.

Something about riling her up like this and getting this reaction, caused something inside him to stir. He liked watching her like this, seeing her mad.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked once again. She didn't wait for his response.

Tom walked closer to her, getting rid of the space between their bodies.

"Of course you're not! You self centred, arrogant, gobshite-"

Maeve's sentenced was suddenly stopped as Tom kissed her. A more slow and passionate kiss then the multiple which they shared last night. His hands cupped either side of her face, deepening the kiss as she held onto his wrists.

If she was told time had stopped, Maeve would have believed it. There was no other way to describe it. His touch make her feel like she was in another reality, one where everything was perfect and easy. He made her feel like that.

They both found themselves breathing heavily for air as they broke apart. Tom's hands still cupped her face as they stared into each other's eyes.

Maeve didn't think she would ever get used to his eyes. Tom didn't think he would ever get used to her's.

"I don't hate you flower. I never did. Not once. I was mad at you for leaving me, even more at myself for letting you leave my life. But never did I hate you. I could never hate you, Maeve. It's a blessing and a curse."

Maeve's eyes softened. She didn't know what to say, she couldn't put her feelings into words. She stared hopelessly up at him.

"Hearing that you wanted to leave again, it broke my heart. I can't lose you again, Maeve. I can't." Tom's voice broke, the ghost of a sob was just about heard.

"I have house in New Zealand-"

"We'll visit. Anytime you want. Fuck, I'll move there with you if that's what it took." Tom looked desperately into her eyes, trying to make her see a future with him.
"You said it yourself, you've been getting all these jobs offers here. So stay. Stay with me."

Only twenty four hours ago the two of them looked at each other with glares. Not so much as a smile was shared between them, yet here they were. It was unreal to think how quickly someone's attitude could change.

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