Emilia Hubert.

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The next couple of days had gone by slowly. Tom could do nothing but think. Think about how he messed things up with Maeve  and the argument they had. It always seemed to end that way between them. They would fight and then drift apart. Tom hated it.

Bill had been chastising him constantly. Telling him he made a mistake and that he had to fix it. Tom already knew that.

As days passed Tom's health has gradually gotten better. He had regained his strength and his temperature had gone down.
Finally he was able to leave his bed and do things for himself.
It was humiliating having to be fed by someone else like a baby. Georg especially, found it very funny. Gustav had the nerve to buy Tom a baby bib. Tom didn't find it as amusing as them.

Slowly he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. The closer he approached, the louder his brothers voice became, along with another female voice that he couldn't recognise.

Rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes he entered the room. Bill smiled at his twin once he seen him. The mystery woman turned around and offered him her own smile, a large grin that perfectly showcased her white, straight teeth.

"Good to see you back to yourself." Bill hummed, he took a long sip from his mug.

Tom rolled his eyes, sensing the taunting in his brothers voice.

Tom's gaze flickered to the unknown woman who was sitting in his kitchen, obviously Bill and her got on well from the previous laughter.

There was something familiar about her. Her blonde hair was shoulder length and fell in waves. Her eyes shined brightly and were squinted as she continued smiling.
"Don't worry if you don't recognise me. We were never that close." Said Emilia, almost like she knew what was going through Tom's head.

Tom cringed. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
"Sorry." He muttered.

Emilia waved the apology off.
"I'm Emilia. We met briefly in Germany all those years back. I'm a friend of Maeve's."

As soon as she said it, something clicked in his head. He remembered how close her and Maeve were. How did it take so long for him to realise? She hadn't changed.

"Yeah I remember you. Sorry, it's been a rough week."

"Don't worry about it." Emilia shook her head.

"Emilia only arrived today from Venice." Bill spoke up. "Maeve had to go somewhere with Ben, so I thought I'd invite her over here for a bit."

"We're meeting her at a club for drinks. You're more than welcome to come." Emilia smiled. She walked around the counter to make herself a cup of tea.

"Don't try make up some bullshit excuse. You're coming with us." Bill warned his brother before Tom could open his mouth.

Tom glared at his brother, not wanting to cause a fuss Infront of Emilia.

Bill smiled sarcastically at his twin.

"What time are we going then?" Tom sighed, he took a seat across from his brother.

"Nine. So you better be ready."

Tom groaned. In his mind that was too early, he had hoped for a quiet night in.


Ben had returned to the car with two coffees in hand. Maeve cradled the cup in her hands, enjoying it's warmth.

"You'll have the place all to yourself tonight. I have a date." Ben spoke proudly, a happy grin on his lips.

"Fuck off, actually?" Maeve laughed. She leaned forward to see his face, to determine whether he was lying or not.

Ben nodded his head. "Her name's Isabella." Ben spoke fondly. He started the car and began driving away from the cafe.

"Isabella." Maeve repeated in mock surprise.

"Yeah, yeah. So don't get all worried if I don't come home. I know how much you worry about me." Ben teased.

Maeve rolled her eyes, "get over yourself." She scoffed.
"I probably won't be home till later anyways. Emilia came to LA for some fashion show. So we're going out for drinks with Bill to catch up."

"Emilia as in your supermodel best friend ?"

"That's the one." Maeve verified.

"I'm certain she wore one of my designs." Ben thought aloud. He tried to think back to make sure he was talking about the right model.

"I'll be sure to ask." Maeve hummed.

She felt her phone vibrate in her lap. Turning on the device, Bill's name popped up in her notifications. Maeve clicked on his text message.

Tom's coming to the club tonight.

Fuck! Maeve internally screamed. Tom was the last person she wanted to see right now. Why was the world against her?

"Everything alright?" Ben noticed Maeve's frown.

"Everything is perfect. Just fucking perfect." Maeve gritted out. She took a long sip out of her cup, hoping the hot beverage would ease her.

Was he doing this on purpose? Did he want to make her life even worse?

Maeve cursed him in her mind.

God, she hated him.


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