❏ thirty-four : : ❜

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The constant clinking of utensils echoed heavily combined with the loud and insensitive crowd is usually enough to drive Eunseo out the door of a restaurant no matter how starved she may be

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The constant clinking of utensils echoed heavily combined with the loud and insensitive crowd is usually enough to drive Eunseo out the door of a restaurant no matter how starved she may be. But she makes an exception this time seeing Yunjin excited about her favourite dish of her favourite restaurant in town.

"I don't think I have ever seen you this giddy over something," Eunseo makes a remark, noticing the spark in her eyes.

"Well, why would you think there's anything at work that could possibly make me happy?"

"Fair point," Eunseo shrugs and changes topic. "Now that we're finally out, you have to tell me what you meant by what you said at work earlier," she leans in closer with her elbows resting on the table.

Yunjin's sparkle in her eyes die down and gets swiftly replaced by the look of someone who is itching to tell a secret.

"You know the 'rush hour' of today, completely out of place, right?" She starts, and without waiting for Eunseo to make a comment, she continues. "Sarang orchestrated the whole thing, which is great, if the situation was different because who wouldn't love extra customers and profit. But that's not the case here which is wild even, like Kazuha also thought it was pretty awful."

"Wait, I don't get it," Eunseo shakes her head in confusion. "You said if the situation was different, what makes it any different? And why is it awful? I mean, it's supposed to be a good thing."

"It would've been a great thing if it were regular customers," Yunjin gives away only a little, which Eunseo suspects is to create a sense of suspense hence she scoffs out, "Don't you give me that look, Yunjin. We're not in a TV opera, you don't need to make dramatic pauses."

"You're no fun," Yunjin mumbles before saying what Eunseo wish was far from the truth. "Those customers were escorts."

"I'm sorry, what?" Eunseo's words come out a whole lot louder than she'd expected, causing her to earn a few stares and disgrunted noises from the crowd. She quickly mouths a sorry to everyone before returning her focus on Yunjin. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Now, listen. I don't have any prejudice against escorts, they're people too. They just have a, well, different, source of income. But the thing is, if word gets out, do you see how that would put our café in a bad light? It's a well known chain and our branch is pretty convenient. But with an abundance of escorts at the same time might give off a wrong idea."

"You mean," Eunseo ponders to herself, "It will make us look like a business spot for them."


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