Chapter 4: Malakas Blade

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Elysian's first day at Tala Academy was nothing short of remarkable. Galahad, the head swordsman's master, watched in awe as the young boy displayed his exceptional skills. His strength and technique surpassed those of older students, leaving Galahad astounded.

"Absolutely astounding!" Galahad exclaimed, unable to contain his admiration for Elysian's talent. The young boy engaged in sparring sessions with older students, and each match showcased his remarkable abilities.

Thailos, who had befriended Elysian, couldn't help but be amazed by his new friend's prowess. "You're incredibly hard to beat!" Thailos remarked, clearly impressed by Elysian's skills.

However, not all students shared Thailos and Galahad's admiration. Some grew envious of Elysian's rapid progress and undeniable talent. Among them, a boy named Lucian muttered, "I'm going to beat that punk later," clearly harboring resentment. Thailos, ever supportive of his new friend, dismissed Lucian's words with a confident retort, "Like you could, Lucian."

As Elysian navigated his first day at Tala Academy, he found himself both admired and envied. 

Elysian, walking alongside his new friend Thailos, couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and excitement. Their shared experiences on the first day of school had already forged a bond between them.

"You know," Thailos began, "we could hang out sometime, you know! Although, I can't let you beat the older kids," he added playfully, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Let me be your partner, my friend."

Elysian's face lit up with a bright smile. "Just call me El!" he replied enthusiastically.

Thailos chuckled. "Call me T! Not Thailos, not Thaaaaylos, just T."

Elysian grinned and suggested, "Or how about Thai?"

Thailos considered for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Men, you have no taste! Oh well, Thai works well," he said with a playful nudge, sealing their newfound friendship with laughter and camaraderie.

Elysian, now named El, eagerly shared his day's adventures with his mother, Lyria. Her eyes sparkled with interest and nostalgia as he mentioned his new friend, Thailos.

"How are you, my dear son?" Lyria inquired, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

El couldn't contain his excitement. "Well, I met a new kid! His name is Thailos, and he lives just a few blocks away. He's the son of Sir Galahad."

Lyria's face lit up with recognition. "Oh wow, Galahad is teaching now? He was your father's partner when they both worked for the King!" She spoke with a mix of nostalgia and excitement, reminiscing about the days when she and Sirius had been close friends with Sir Galahad. The connection between their families added an extra layer of joy to El's newfound friendship with Thailos. "We should invite them to dinner sometime!" 

As El and Thai's friendship continued to grow stronger, so did El's progress in all his classes. Their days at Tala Academy were filled with shared laughter and countless adventures, making them inseparable companions.

However, a mysterious air hung over the school as news of the prophecy circulated among students and staff:

"In Biringan's realm, a hero shall arise, To wield the 'Malakas Blade' 'neath endless skies, A lineage unknown, destiny untamed, With power dormant, in their name proclaimed."

"What the heck is that?" Thailos asked one day, his brow furrowing with curiosity as they both sat in the expansive library.

"I don't know," responded El, equally intrigued.

"I heard there's an ancient book section in the library. Care to join me and see what this prophecy is all about?" Thai suggested, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

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