Deceptive Mirage

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Kushida Pov

I woke up and got ready for the day. I practiced my fake smile in the mirror, trying to look innocent. All my experiences came together, giving me confidence. I opened the door, determined to do my task perfectly and change my life.

"Morning, Kushida-san!" a girl beamed at me. I replied with equal cheerfulness, mirroring her vibe. As we chatted on our way to school, I exchanged greetings with many others, adjusting my responses based on their personalities.

Entering the classroom, I brimmed with enthusiasm, my energy infectious. My classmates, once filled with dread, now seemed a bit more hopeful, their eyes shining with a glimmer of optimism.

I continued my routine of greeting each classmate, engaging in conversations on different topics, and spreading positivity. My aim was to uplift their spirits, leaving behind a trail of happiness and joy. Of course, there were a few exceptions, but I handled those situations tactfully, ensuring I responded respectfully without being rude.

Once my greetings were done, our teacher entered the room. Remarkably, my classmates seemed energized enough to face the challenging lesson that awaited us. Throughout the class, the atmosphere was vastly different from the gloomy and tense ambiance of the previous day. My efforts to lighten the mood had worked, balancing out the teacher's intimidating aura. This calming environment allowed my classmates to focus better, relieving them of the usual stress that often came with making mistakes.

After a long day of my classmates holding in their urges and paying their utmost attention in class, we were finally graced with lunch, and I seized that opportunity to exert my influence. As I stood over the podium, I raised my voice, ensuring every student in the class could hear my persuasive words.

"May I have your attention, everyone?" I said, my tone carrying authority and assurance. I paused for a moment, allowing the anticipation to settle in, before continuing.

"I understand we're all eager to take a break from the seriousness of our studies, but there's something crucial we need to discuss. Something that could profoundly impact our future," I began, my words carefully chosen to grip their emotions. Though public speaking wasn't my forte, Ayanokoji had provided me with a flawless script. I had rehearsed it tirelessly until he deemed it perfect.

"Let's consider leveraging the contract Class B made with us to our advantage," I suggested, sensing a flicker of anger in some students' eyes as they recalled Koenji's actions that led us to lose the promised points during the exam. Without giving them a chance to object, I pressed on.

"By accepting Class C's proposal, we might not gain immediate class points, but we can secure private points, allowing us to live relatively normal lives. Perhaps, one day, we could even afford the luxuries we desire. I understand many of us can't leave or drop out to spare our parents or loved ones from embarrassment. Our psychological well-being is paramount if we're to improve and have a chance at earning class points," I asserted, emphasizing the importance of their mental states.

I let a pregnant pause hang in the air, heightening the tension before my next words.

"Consider this option because, despite our current standing, we can still build a better future. My goal isn't to reach Class A, recognizing my limitations and our collective need for improvement. I simply want us to enjoy our remaining high school years. I refuse to let my time here be marred by unpleasant memories, and I invite all of you to join me, regardless of your feelings toward me."

Feeling the moment, I feigned tears, letting them well up in my eyes as I spoke my final plea.

"I hope we can create happy memories together in Class D. Despite the school branding us as the lowest, I envision us as a class that has the most fun. Let other classes stress over competition and the pursuit of Class A. Since we have no hope of reaching that pinnacle, I want our remaining days to be devoid of regret. I implore you all to consider this opportunity," I finished, wiping away the faux tears and offering a radiant smile, channeling every ounce of my being into the performance.

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