Reality Check

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Horikita Pov:

I made my way toward the gymnasium, my heart heavy with the weight of the challenge I had received. As I walked, I could feel the disdainful glares from my fellow students, their eyes branding me with judgment as if I were a desperate soul, a homeless addict, begging for a fix to soothe my cravings. 

The entire school was aware of the suffocating atmosphere Ayanokoji had created, reducing us to mere slaves. To make matters worse, my connection to the student council president only fueled the cruel rumors that swirled around me.

Whispers and murmurs trailed in my wake, painting me as a pitiable figure undeserving of my sibling's stature. "How can someone so pathetic be related to the student council president? I pity him for having a sister like her," they sneered. 

These words haunted me, a constant barrage that chipped away at my already fragile confidence. Each day felt like an arduous battle, a struggle against the urge to retaliate, knowing it would only bring trouble to my brother.

Speaking of him, whenever our paths crossed, his words cut through my soul like a razor. "Why are you still in this school, Suzune? Haven't you suffered enough? You don't belong here." 

His indifference pierced me, a stark reminder of the emotional chasm between us. He never inquired about my well-being, never shielded me from the cruel taunts that echoed through the halls. Instead, he regarded me distantly, as though we were strangers who happened to share a name, reducing our relationship to mere formality.

Desperate for his acknowledgment, I toiled relentlessly, hoping he would notice the strides I made, the battles I fought. Yet, his response remained unchanged, a cruel refrain that echoed in my ears. 

"You are exactly the same as before. Nothing about you has changed." Those words shattered my spirit each time, leaving me gasping for air amid the suffocating pressure of daily life and his heartless rules.

But still, I pressed on, my determination unwavering. I clung to the belief that one day, he would see the strength within me, recognize my resilience. 

With that unwavering resolve, I pushed open the doors to the gymnasium, where my challenger, Kushida, awaited. Meeting her gaze with steely determination, I vowed to crush her utterly, refusing to let anyone underestimate my tenacity and the fire burning within my soul.

Kushida Pov:

Horikita had entered the gym with an aura of confidence. I had to step up my game, prove myself, even if it meant taking her on in her strong suits. I spoke stating my intentions.

"I'm going to challenge you five times, Horikita. Let's start with academics, something you're good at," I said, trying to sound confident. Her surprise turned into a sharp look, but I wasn't going to back down.

"You think I can't handle it, huh, Kushida? I don't need your pity. Going easy undermines my skills, even if we are classmates," she retorted, her words sharp but laced with uncertainty. I decided to change the game, hoping to catch her off guard.

"Alright then," I replied, standing my ground. "Let's make it a physical challenge. I'm not interested in the academic stuff." As I squared up, I could see the surprise in her eyes.

She realized I meant business, and I steeled myself to face whatever challenge she threw my way. My determination burned brighter, pushing me to prove that I was more than capable of defeating her.

The room fell into a hushed silence as the teacher overseeing our challenge began the countdown for the commencement of our fight.

This marked my 102nd real fight since middle school. People had grown furious over the secrets I had revealed about them, leading them to attack me. Initially, I had been a victim of bullying, enduring physical assaults. But in response, I decided to learn self-defense, specifically jiu jitsu.

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