The Calm Before The Storm

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Ryuuen Pov:

The morning bell rang, and the influx of new faces served as a stark reminder of Ayanokoji's meddling. We couldn't keep on expanding, so I made the necessary cuts. Manabe and her useless gang? They were mercilessly expelled, swiftly erased from our midst. The details of their removal were best kept in the shadows, where darkness concealed my methods.

But as the teacher began to speak, a chilling confidence swept over me. Today was the day, my time to seize control. With a special exam on the horizon, I held undisputed authority, free from Ayanokoji's interference. No more pesky plans to ruin my schemes. I reveled in the sinister delight of knowing that I could now move and act without restraint. The power was mine, and I intended to wield it with a malevolent grace that would make everyone tremble in my presence. The very air crackled with anticipation; the game was afoot, and I was the one holding all the cards.

"The school's preparing for your next special exam, folks. Brace yourselves for what's coming in the week ahead. As always, they're keeping us in the dark until the last minute. Apart from that, it's business as usual." Sakagami sensei remarked, his familiar smile gracing his lips.

With that intel in mind, a sinister grin crept onto my lips. I marched straight to the podium, ready to lay out our strategy. I knew exactly who our target was and what I wanted from this exam. Sure, we reaped rewards last time, but this round, it's personal. I just need to crush someone, and let off some steam.

"Listen up, I don't give a damn what kind of special exam they throw at us. We're setting our sights on class B. We'll start by making life uncomfortable for their classmates. I want all of you to tail them, everywhere they go. No confrontations, just let them feel our eyes on them. They'll squirm, thinking an attack's imminent. But we won't strike until the actual exam kicks in. That's it for now. Get outta here."

"Wait, Ibuki, Ishizaki, and Albert, come with me." Ibuki, predictably annoyed, followed along with the other two without questioning my orders.

"We're going to pay Ichinose a little visit." I hurried towards class B. I had a feeling they would be discussing their exam strategy, much like I did with the limited information I had. Ichinose was probably trying to get her class on the same page, but I intended to shatter that moment for her.


A sudden ring echoed through the classroom of class B.

As I entered class B, a twisted grin played on my lips. The atmosphere shifted subtly, tension replacing the ease that once filled the room. Ichinose, the ever-determined class representative, stood at the front, her composure unwavering upon seeing me.

"Ah, Ichinose, always so diligent," I sneered, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Planning your strategies, are you? Well, good luck with that. You're going to need it."

Ibuki, with her sharp eyes, stared Ichinose down, her irritation palpable. Besides her, Ishizaki's notorious reputation made some people recoil. But instead of cowering, the class stood firm, their unity evident in their collective defiance.

"We heard you were cooking up something impressive for the upcoming exam," I continued, circling Ichinose like a vulture eyeing its prey. "But let me tell you, your plans won't save you. We're always one step ahead."

Ichinose, however, met my intimidation head-on, her gaze unyielding. "We've faced challenges before," she responded coolly. "Your threats won't deter us. We're ready for whatever you throw our way."

I couldn't help but smile wider at her defiance. "Oh, I can't wait to see that confidence crumble into despair," I replied, my voice laced with dark amusement. "Prepare yourselves, Class B. The storm is coming, and I promise you won't escape its wrath."

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