Echoes of Thunder

778 32 7

Ryuen Pov

The day of the special examination had finally arrived, and I was brimming with anticipation, my excitement evident in the gleam of my eyes. As I stood there, ready to crush Ichinose's class, I awaited Sakagami's instructions, my focus sharp and unwavering.

"The special exam you'll be undertaking is called the Gauntlet of Unity Exam," Sakagami announced, his voice carrying across the room. "I'll provide a detailed explanation of the exam, and you'll receive the rules on paper simultaneously. Without further ado, let's begin."

I leaned in, my attention fixated on Sakagami's every word. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the opportunity to set my carefully laid plans into motion and watch as fear and chaos swept through Ichinose's class. The anticipation of the impending challenge only fueled my determination to emerge victorious.

Gauntlet Of Unity Special Examination

Objective: The  Gauntlet of Unity exam is a high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping challenge designed to push the boundaries of teamwork, creativity, physical endurance, and mental agility. The goal is to forge unbreakable bonds among students from extreme challenges.


Team Formation:

Teams are decided by each class's representative for the special exam.
Each team is assigned a team captain responsible for motivating, coordinating, and leading the team through the challenges.

Challenge Rounds:

Round 1 - Mind Maze: Teams navigate a complex labyrinth filled with mind-bending puzzles and challenges. The fastest team to solve all the puzzles and escape wins.

Round 2 - Physical activities: Teams will take a physical examination that will test teamwork and bonding through hard physical trials.

  Final Round - Gauntlet: The top teams face a Strategy-Based Escape Room. In this challenge, teams are placed in a highly intricate, themed room filled with puzzles, hidden clues, and obstacles. The objective is to work together to decipher the puzzles, unlock doors, and solve mysteries to ultimately escape the room within a limited time frame.


Teams earn points in each round based on their performance, with bonus points for exceptional teamwork, innovation, and sportsmanship. The Final Gauntlet awards double points, making it a make-or-break challenge for the teams.

Prizes and Recognition:

The winning team receives a grand sum of 2 million private points and 500 class points
All participants receive class points for their participation with the least being 500 thousand for last place.

Special Features:

teacher swap: each team will have a swap of teachers that will mentor and help the team towards winning from their experience In the past.
Live Streaming: The event is live-streamed, allowing the entire school to be present and watch the competition take place.
Themed Decor: The entire school is transformed into a thematic wonderland corresponding to the challenge rounds, enhancing the immersive experience.

Checking out these rules for the Gauntlet of Unity Special Exam, I couldn't help but grin. This whole thing was set up like a high-stakes chess game, and I was ready to play my pieces right.

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