Chapter 3: Friends

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A few weeks later Rory found herself at Logan's apartment. Their kids were friend so they ended up sort of being forced to spend time together. At first it was a little awkward, but that faded quickly. They'd actually become friends which was nice. It was nice to have someone who was in the same situation to talk to, although it did bring up an issue for Logan. He was starting to realize that he definitely had some feelings for Rory that were likely not reciprocated. He was mostly just trying to ignore it. Their kids were friends, they were friends, he couldn't act on whatever feelings he had.

Rory and Logan were sitting on the couch watching both Olivers and Amelia build a tower out of Lego. (AN: for the sake of not being too confusing, Rory's Oliver is Ollie, sand Logan's Oliver is Oliver)

Rory couldn't keep herself from laughing when Amelia called Logan's son 'other Oliver'.

"What are the odds that we end up naming our kids that are the same age, the same name?" Logan asked

"This whole situation is weird" Rory said

"You still think it's weird?" Logan asked

"You don't?" Rory asked. It wasn't awkward anymore, but that didn't mean that it wasn't a weird situation. They dated for 3 years in college, broke up, Rory married someone else, they both had kids with other people, named their sons the same name, and then those sons became friends. Weird.

"I guess if you really think about it it is" Logan said. A few minutes later his phone rang. He glanced at the phone that was sitting face up on the couch next to him and then declined the call.

"Who pissed you off?" Rory asked. She might not have seen Logan for a while, but she did know that he never ignored calls unless he was mad at someone.

"Nobody" Logan sighed. He glanced over at the kids who weren't paying attention to them. "His mother wants me to put him on a plane and send him to see her in California"

Rory didn't really know what to say. That was the first she'd ever heard of Oliver's mother. All she really knew was that Logan lived alone with his son. "And you don't want to do that?"

"He's five years old, I'm not putting him on a plane by himself to see someone who's never been interested in being a parent" Logan said. Elise getting pregnant definitely wasn't the plan, but Logan obviously loved his son and he loved being a father. Elise on the other hand had very little interest in being a mother. Logan had full custody of Oliver. "She can come here if she wants to see him" 

"The single parent thing can really suck sometimes" Rory said. She and Adam had a much different agreement. Adam saw the kids every other weekend. He and Rory weren't really friends but they did have an agreement to not let it affect the kids. They make any and all decisions about the kids together, they don't argue in front of them, and they don't say bad things about the other in front of them. The kids don't need to deal with their parents' issues. They never had a custody battle or anything like that, they just decided together what they thought was best for Ollie and Amelia. It used to be that they went back and forth between Rory and Adam every week, but then Adam moved out of New York and they had to find another arrangement.

"Yeah" Logan sighed. "Getting pregnant by accident isn't a great idea, huh?" He loved Oliver, but at the same time, he didn't want his son to grow up without a mother which is what was happening.

"I guess not" Rory said. Both of her kids were planned, but she didn't need to mention that at the time.


One of Rory's favorite people was Julie. Julie was a 17 year old, high school student whose family lived 2 floors down in her apartment building. She was also a great babysitter who saved Rory's ass on multiple occasions.

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