Chapter 24: Jump

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At the end of May Rory went back to work and her first day back at work was actually at night. A goodbye party for the current editor in chief who was retiring. Typically Logan would go with her to an event like this but Rory didn't want to leave Avery - who wasn't even 4 months old yet- with a babysitter, so Logan stayed home with the kids.

"Hey!" Marcus, one of Rory's coworkers said when he saw her walk by. "I didn't know you were coming"

"I'm back at work" Rory told him


"Starting tomorrow" Rory said. "But I wasn't gonna miss this"

"Well, it's good to see you. You look great"

"Thank you"

"How's the baby?"

"She's great" Rory said


"Hey, do you know who the new editor is?" Rory asked

"They haven't announced it yet"

After spending about an hour catching up with her coworkers who she hadn't seen since December, Rory made her way over to the bar.

"Can I just get some water please?" Rory asked

"There she is" Arthur, the editor in chief said

"Hi Arthur" Rory smiled

"How are you feeling? You look great"

"Thank you" Rory said. "I'm feeling good"

"Well in that case, I have an offer for you" Arthur said

"I'm listening"

"How would you like to be editor in chief of the New York Times?"


"Editor in chief" Arthur said. "The job is yours if you want it"


"Look, they told me I could help choose the next editor, and if I'm being perfect honest, you're the only person I'd trust to take over. You work hard, and you care. Probably more than anyone else"

"You want me to be the editor in chief?" Rory asked


"Of the New York Times?"



March 21st 2035- almost 12 years later.

Oliver was 22 years old and was a senior at Harvard, majoring in Law.

Ollie was 21 (a few days away from his 22nd birthday) and was a senior at Stanford University, majoring in biomedical engineering.

Amelia was 19 years old and in her second year at Princeton, majoring in computer science.

Avery was 12 and in 6th grade.

One Friday morning Rory and Avery were sitting in the kitchen, eating breakfast.

"Is Mel coming home this weekend?" Avery asked

"Yes, and she's bringing Daniel" Rory said. Daniel was Amelia's boyfriend.

"What about Oliver?"

"Which one?" Rory asked


"Oliver's coming, and you know that Ollie can't"

"But he hasn't been back in forever" Avery said. Ollie hadn't been able to go home and visit since the beginning the school year started in September, and they hadn't been able to go visit him between Rory and Logan's work schedules and Avery's school.

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