Chapter 22: Party Crasher

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On Logan's birthday he woke up and rolled over to see Rory awake and staring at him.

"Happy 40th!" Rory said cheerfully

"That was creepy" Logan said as he put his hand on Rory's cheek and gently pressed his lips against hers. "And thank you"

"Are you excited for your party?" Rory asked. Mitchum and Shira were having a party for Logan's birthday.

"Sure" Logan said.

Rory inhaled sharply and scrunched up her face.

"What was that?" Logan asked

"Nothing" Rory said. She'd been pregnant before, she knew that it came with aches and pains. Especially towards the end.


"Your daughter's using my ribs as a punching bag. It's nothing. I'm fine"

"I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault"

"It kind of is actually" Logan said

"Well, yeah, but it's not like you forced me to have sex with you"


Rory and the kids set up a 'normal' birthday celebration for Logan early in the day because they were going to the Huntzberger's party later that evening, and it wasn't gonna be the kids idea of a fun birthday. So they ate pizza for lunch and cake that the kids helped Rory bake.

The Huntzberger's party was starting at 4, with cocktail hour which meant that Rory, Logan, and the kids had to get ready early to make it there on time.

When they made it to the Huntzberger house, none of the guests were there yet. After hugging Logan and wishing him a happy birthday, Shura hugged Rory.

"You look wonderful" Shira said. "How do you feel?"

"Like I'm ready to get this baby out of me" Rory said

"Only one week to go, right?"


As the party went on Logan kept looking around to see if he could spot Rory. He knew that she'd been in a little bit of pain throughout the day, so he wanted to make sure that she was ok, even if he was being pulled in 20 different directions.

He was talking to one of his parents friends and looked around to see if he could see Rory, but he couldn't. He figured that she was in a different room and tried to focus on the conversation.

"I'm sorry" Logan said. "I uh... didn't catch the last thing you said"

"I asked if your family is here"

"Oh, yeah" Logan said. "I actually don't know where exactly they are, but they're around here somewhere"

"You have 3 children, right?"

"Yeah" Logan nodded. "Soon to be 4"

"That's nice" The man said.

A few minutes later Rory appeared next to Logan.  "Rory, this is Steven. Steven, this my wife, Rory"

"Nice to meet you" Steven said and shook Rory's hand.

"Yeah, uh, you too" Rory said. "Logan, can we um..."

"Excuse us" Logan said and followed Rory into the kitchen where the only people around were the caterers. "What's going on?"

"My water broke" Rory told him quietly

"What? Now?"

Rory nodded.

"Talk about timing" Logan said. He didn't care about the party, or the fact that it was his birthday, but he thought it was funny how of all the possible times for Rory to go into labor, it happened at a party with a bunch of people who are gonna be asking why the guest of honor was leaving an hour into the party.

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