Chapter 7: School

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On September 3rd 2019, Logan was woken up by his alarm at 6:30. He got up and got himself ready for the day before going to wake up Oliver.

He walked into Oliver's room and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him. "Good morning"

"No" Oliver grumbled and turned around to face away from Logan and pulled the blanket over his head.

"You gotta get up, buddy. You have school today" Logan said. "You don't want to be late on your first day of first grade, do you?"

Oliver ignored Logan. Oliver wasn't a morning person and Logan knew that. He also knew that Oliver really liked pancakes, and he wasn't above a little bribery. "Ok, I guess I'm gonna have to eat all those pancakes by myself because Oliver's too sleepy to come eat them with me"

Oliver slowly turned back around and pulled the blanket off his face. "There's pancakes?"

"With chocolate chips"

"Can we eat them?"

"You have to get ready for school first"



Later that morning, Logan met Rory at an apartment that they were looking at. They were pretty sure they wanted it, but they wanted to see it in person first.

"So this is it" Molly, the realtor said. "You have the stairs straight in front of you, feel free to go upstairs, downstairs, wherever you want, and if you have any questions feel free to ask"

"Thank you" Logan said

Rory and Logan walked through the apartment.

"Logan, this place is huge" Rory said. Logan has shown her pictures but she didn't realize how big the place actually was.

"I know, but I think it might be good to have a lot of space" Logan said. There were a few reasons for that. For starters, they had 3 little kids between the two of them and having a lot of space meant they wouldn't feel cramped. Secondly, he and Rory had discussed potentially having another kid in the future. They hadn't decided on anything, but if they did eventually have another kid, they would have space for them. "And if you don't like it, we can keep looking"

"It's not that I don't like it, I just didn't realize how big it was" Rory said. It was basically a house inside of an apartment building which wasn't what Rory was expecting in New York City.

Logan had been there before, so he was showing Rory around. "And this is where the magic happens" he said as he followed Rory into the master bedroom.

"Are you ever not thinking about sex?" Rory asked with a chuckle. Obviously he wasn't always thinking about it, but for a grown man with a child, he made a lot of dirty jokes.

"Have you seen yourself? Because if you got to have sex with you I bet you'd be thinking about it a lot too" Logan said. "Did that sound as weird to you as it did to me?"


They finished looking at the apartment and went to have lunch together before going to pick up the kids. Rory had to get Amelia from preschool before she could get Ollie.

She was sitting in the pickup zone at the elementary school listening to Amelia tell her about preschool while they waited for Ollie.

"And there's the mouse book there" Amelia said. Her favorite book was 'if you give a mouse a cookie' so she was very excited to find out that they had it at her school.

"That's great Mel belle" Rory said and glanced at Amelia through the rear view mirror. A few minutes later Ollie got in the car. "Hi! How was your first day of first grade?"

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