Chapter 15: Sickness

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Rory was sitting at work one Monday, trying to edit an article, but she wasn't feeling great so she couldn't really focus.

"You ok?" Cassie asked. Cassie was one of Rory's closest friends, who she happened to work with.

"Yeah, I just have a cold or something" Rory said.

"Why don't you go home?" Cassie asked

"I have work to do" Rory said

"There's no reason you can't work from your bed" Cassie said. "If you're sick you should go home"

"Yeah, maybe" Rory said. She decided to finish what she was doing and then go home for the day. As she was driving home, she got a call from the school saying that Amelia was sick and needed to be picked up. Rory went to get Amelia from school and then they went home.

Rory and Amelia changed into pajamas and then Rory texted Logan to let him know what was going on before they snuggled up in Rory and Logan's room to watch a movie.

Logan picked the boys up from school on his way home.

"Be quiet, ok?" Logan said as they walked into the house. "Mom and Amelia might be sleeping"


Logan went upstairs and found both Rory and Amelia asleep. He gently kissed Rory's forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"You guys wanna help me make some soup?" Logan asked

"What kind of soup?" Ollie asked

"What kind do you think we should make?"

"Mom likes chicken soup"

"Then let's make that"


The next morning the boys woke up sick too, which meant that everyone was staying home since Logan wasn't gonna leave a sick Rory home alone to take care of 3 sick kids.

The kids were sitting on the couch, under blankets, and Rory was sitting in the kitchen with Logan, drinking tea.

"I hate you for making me drink this" Rory said

"Sick people drink tea, Ace. It'll make you feel better"

"Coffee will also make me feel better"

"Drink the tea, Ace" Logan said and kissed her before getting up to make coffee because he knew she wasn't gonna drink the tea.

"You really shouldn't kiss me when I'm sick"

"Ok" Logan said and kissed her again. The way he saw it, he was the only one not sick and it was only a matter of time until he was, so he might as well kiss his wife.

Everyone spent most of the day in Rory and Logan's room, snuggled up in bed, watching movies.

In the evening Logan was working downstairs and took a break to go see if Rory put the kids needed anything. When he got to his bedroom everyone was asleep. He turned off the tv and went back downstairs. About an hour later, everyone was still asleep and Logan figured that everyone probably was asleep for the night. So he moved all the kids to their own beds and a few hours later he himself got into bed. 

After spending one more day at home, everyone except Rory was feeling better, so on Thursday all three kids went to school.

When Logan got back from picking up the kids from school, Rory was sitting at the table, working. The kids went to put their stuff in their rooms and Logan went to say hi to Rory.

"Hey, you're feeling better?" Logan asked

"Yeah" Rory nodded

"Good" Logan said and kissed her forehead.

"How was work?" Rory asked

"Work was fine" Logan said.



3 weeks later Rory found herself sick again. Although this time it was just her.

One night, around 2am, Logan woke up alone in bed. He looked around the room for a second. The bathroom light was on. He figured Rory got up to use the bathroom and went back to sleep. He wasn't sure how long passed, but he woke up again and this time Rory was sitting at the edge of the bed with her back to Logan.

"Ace, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry I woke you" Rory said

"It's fine" Logan said. "Why are you awake?"

"I took a pregnancy test" Rory told him

"You think you're pregnant?" Logan asked. He tried not to get too excited since he didn't actually know if Rory was pregnant yet.

"I don't know. I think I'm nauseous, and last time I was this nauseous, I was pregnant" Rory said

Logan sat up and moved to sit next to Rory, and she leaned her head on his shoulder so he put his arm around her.

"Can I ask why you're doing this in the middle of the night?" Logan asked

"Well, I got up to pee and it occurred to me that the nausea could be pregnancy related, so I took a test"

"Ok" Logan said. He really wanted her to be pregnant, but he also knew that Rory had only been off of birth control for a little over 2 months, and realistically, it was probably gonna take longer. 

A minute later Rory walked into the bathroom to check the test. She walked back out and just shook her head. Logan stood up and wrapped his arms around her. As disappointed as he was, he knew that she was just as upset, if not more.

"I love you" He said and kissed the top of her head

"I love you too"

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