Chapter 21: Anniversary

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On Friday, the day before Rory and Logan's anniversary, Logan drive them to a secret destination.

"So, at what point do I get to know where we're going?" Rory asked

"When we get there"

"Why do I even ask?"

"You really should know by now that I'm not gonna tell you"

"I'm pregnant with your child"

"And I'm eternally grateful, but I'm still not telling you where we're going"

"Can you at least tell me what we're doing?" Rory asked


Half an hour later they arrived at a spa in upstate New York. They were shown to their room, and Rory was a little more than surprised. She didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't 3 days at a spa.

"-and we can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Massages, hot tub, bath, you name it" Logan said. As he was talking he could see Rory's face change. He knew that pretty much everything he'd listed were typically not things you were supposed to do while pregnant, but he spoke to Rory's doctor, who said that all of it would be fine as long as Rory was feeling good and hot tub or bath water wasn't too hot. "And I can see from the look on your face that your thinking you're not supposed to do that stuff, but I talked to Dr. Carson and she said it was fine"

"Did you really?"

"Would I tell you that I did if I didn't?"



Rory and Logan went out to dinner before heading back to their room. Later that night, Rory found herself leaning back against Logan in the bath.

"I just have one question" Rory said


"How the hell did I get through almost 3 pregnancies without knowing that I could take a freaking bath?"

Logan chuckled and kissed Rory's shoulder.

"I hope you realize that I will be taking a bath every single day until this baby's born" Rory said. Sitting in the bath with Logan was the first time her back wasn't hurting in weeks.

"You feel better?" Logan asked

"You know how things are lighter in water?" Rory asked. Logan nodded. "Well, that includes this" she said and gestured to her belly. "And this is heavy"

"I'm glad you feel better"

"Me too"

That night Rory slept better than she had in a long time, and in the morning she and Logan got massages which was set up right in their room.

"Why are you on your side?" Rory asked

"You're on your side" Logan said. He could have a normal massage, but Rory was laying on her side, so he figured he would too.

"I'm pregnant, I have to lay on my side" Rory said "You can lay face down and have a normal massage"

"But then I don't get to look at my beautiful wife"

20 minutes went by and Rory felt like she was gonna fall asleep even though she'd only been awake for an hour. "I haven't been this relaxed in a very long time"

"Good" Logan said


Saturday evening found Rory and Logan sitting in a hot tub that was slightly colder than normal. They'd been sitting there for a while when a waiter came over with a cocktail for each of them. Rory was about to decline it since she couldn't have alcohol, but before she did the waiter spoke. "None alcoholic"

Rory chuckled softly and took the drink. "Thank you"

The waiter nodded and walked away.

"You really did think of everything" Rory said

"Yes, I did" Logan smiled. His only goal for the weekend was for Rory to get some much needed relaxation. That meant that he didn't want her worrying about anything, including what she could and couldn't eat and drink. He'd spoken to the staff before they got there to make sure they could lower the temperature of the hot tub, and make other necessary accommodations.

"We might have to come back here again" Rory said


The next morning (Sunday) they had a few more hours there and Logan had booked a pedicure for him and Rory. He had no interest in getting a pedicure, but Rory said something about the place offering them, so he booked it.

"I think you should pick a color" Rory said

"Not happening" Logan said. He would get a pedicure with Rory because it was gonna make her happy, but there was no way he was putting nail polish on his toes.

"You let Mel do your nails all the time"

"There's a big difference between my 6 year old daughter painting my nails and this" Logan said

"I love when you do that" Rory smiled


"Refer to Amelia as your daughter"

Logan put his arm around Rory, pulling her close, and kissed the top of her head.

When they got to the foot massage part of the pedicure Logan kept laughing.

"Have you never had a foot massage before?" Rory asked

"No, and this is why" Logan said "I'm ticklish"

"Logan, just relax, it's supposed to feel good"

"What if I say that to you in 5 weeks when you're in labor?" Logan asked jokingly. He would never and Rory knew that he would never.

"Are you comparing a foot massage to me having to push a human being out of my body?"

"I'm kidding"

"Yeah, you better be"

On the drive home Rory and Logan were talking about what to name the baby.

"What about a family name?" Rory asked

"You have something specific in mind?"

"I guess not"

"What about something that starts with A?" Logan asked. "To sort of match with Amelia"

"That could work. Something specific in mind?"


Rory chuckled. "Why is this so hard?"

"I have no idea"

"I say we just name her Bean and let that be that"

"We cannot name our daughter Bean" Logan said

"I know"

"We could name her Amelia" Logan joked

Rory chuckled

"No?" Logan asked


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