Chapter 6: Summer Vacation

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The next few months went by quickly and in August, Ollie and Amelia went to spend a couple of weeks in Pittsburgh with Adam. 

One Friday night Rory went to Friday night dinner alone. It wasn't unusual since the kids were with Adam every other Friday night, and she actually kind of preferred to go alone since it meant that she wasn't rushing to leave so the kids could go to sleep. 

"Rory, how are things going with Logan?" Emily asked.

Rory had been mostly avoiding questions about Logan. It wasn't that she wanted to hide her relationship, but they were both single parents, which made their relationship a little more complicated than most. "Good" she said.

"You should bring him to dinner next week" Emily said. While she knew that Rory and Logan had been together for several months by that point, she hadn't seen him since Rory's college graduation. "Your children are with their father so it's a good opportunity for us to catch up with him"

"I don't know..." Rory said. She didn't want to say that Logan would go if he didn't want to, and just because Rory didn't have her kids at the time doesn't mean that Logan didn't. "I don't know if he's busy, or if he's gonna want to leave his son with a babysitter..."

"You can ask him" Emily said

Rory knew that one way or another Logan was gonna be at a Friday night dinner sooner or later. There was no way around it. "I'll ask"


Rory spoke to Logan and the following Friday they found themselves sitting in the Gilmore's living room.

"Rory, when are the kids coming back?" Richard asked

"On Tuesday" Rory said "And then on Thursday we're going to Stars Hollow for the end of summer festival"

"That sounds fun" Emily said

"Yeah, the kids loved it last year, and Oliver's never been to Stars Hollow, so hopefully it'll be good" Rory said

"Oh, you're all going?" Emily asked. She that that Rory was just talking about her and her kids. Rory nodded.

"That's the plan" Rory nodded

"Logan, how old is your son?" Richard asked

"He's 6" Logan said.

"2 sons, both 6 years old, both named Oliver" Lorelai said with a chuckle. "How funny is that?"

Logan chuckled. "The irony is not lost on us"

"How do you keep yourselves from getting them confused when you talk about them?" Luke asked

"We don't" Rory said. "It's confusing"

After dinner Rory and Logan both went back to Logan's apartment. They didn't spend the night together so often because it was hard with the kids, but Rory had spent a few nights there while Ollie and Amelia were in Pittsburgh. Rory would sometimes spend the night there on weekends when her kids were with Adam and there were a few times that Logan brought Oliver to have a sleepover with Ollie at Rory's place, but other than that, everyone slept in their own apartment for the most part.

"You know, Oliver told me the other day that he likes it better when you're here" Logan said as he and Rory got into bed.

"That's so sweet" Rory smiled.

"For the record, I like it better too"

"Yeah, me too" Rory said.

"We could move in together" Logan said. He didn't see a reason why they shouldn't. He loved Rory, and he wanted to live with her. He was pretty sure that both Olivers would be on board since they'd been telling Rory and Logan that they should get married pretty much since they were told that they were dating. And while he wasn't sure about Amelia, he didn't think it would be an issue.

"What?" Rory asked and propped herself up on her arm to look at Logan.

"Why not?" Logan asked

"We have kids"

"Oh, yeah..." Logan said. "Well I guess they could come too" He joked

"Logan, I'm being serious. What about the kids?"

"Don't think about the kids for one second" Logan said. "Think about you. Do you want to live with me?"

Rory thought for a second. She did want to live with Logan, and if it wasn't for the kids she wouldn't be hesitating. "Yeah"

"So then let's talk to the kids" Logan said. "See what they think, and if they don't like the idea we won't do it. But I think they're gonna like it"



Ollie and Amelia got back on Tuesday morning, and that evening Logan and Oliver came over to have a movie night. They also took the opportunity to talk to all the kids together.

"No, do that one" Oliver said to Ollie who had the remote and was looking through the movies on the tv.

"Frozen!" Amelia said

"Not frozen" both Olivers said together.

"We watched frozen last time" Ollie said

"Hey, take a break for a minute, we wanna ask you guys about something" Rory said.

"What would you guys think about us all living together?" Logan asked.

"Where will we live?" Ollie asked

"We should live here" Amelia said

"We would get a new apartment" Logan said. "One that has enough space for all of us"

"Ok" Amelia said

Rory and Logan watched Ollie and Oliver whispered back and forth for a few moments.

"Can we have bunk beds?" Oliver asked

"If you want" Rory said. She and Logan were gonna give each kid their own room, but she didn't see any reason why the boys couldn't share if they wanted.

"Does that mean it's ok with you guys that we live together?" Logan asked


They left it at that and let the kids go back to picking a movie.

On Thursday they all went to the Stars Hollow end of summer festival. Of course they had to stop at Luke's first.

Ollie and Amelia ran straight over to the counter to say hi to Luke and Logan and Oliver followed, but Rory pulled Lorelai aside.

"What are you doing?" Lorelai asked

"We're moving in together" Rory said. "Me and Logan...and the kids...obviously"

"I'm so glad you clarified that you're taking the kids with you. I thought you were gonna abandon them"

"Mom" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Ok, ok, fine. I'm happy for you you"

"Thank you"

"What do the kids think?"

"They're excited" Rory said. "They boys want bunk beds, and they're convinced we're gonna get married"

"Aren't you?" Lorelai asked

"I don't know" Rory said. "But we've only been together for 6 months, so if we do get married it's not gonna be anytime soon"

"But you're moving in together, so this is clearly a permanent thing, right?"


"Well then good. I'm happy for you"

"Thank you" Rory said and they both walked over to the counter. Logan put his hand on Rory's back.

"Grandma, mommy and Logan are getting married" Ollie said

"We didn't say that" Rory said

"Well, you should" Oliver said

"We're not talking about this here" Logan said


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