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Jungkook rub hand on his eyes cutely and look at taehyung with big doe eyes.....he(taehyung) cooed at his bun then ask

Taehyung say softly : are you ok now?

Jungkook say slowly : yah

Taehyung : ok.... there is washroom (point to the direction) go and freshen up
(Jungkook nods)

After Jungkook Leave for the washroom..... taehyung call his
P. A

Taehyung on call : Mrs. shin Have I disturbed your rest?

Mrs. shin : No no Mr kim.....I was just watching TV.....tell me what work did you have?

Taehyung : Can you book the entire moon-star restaurant for me?

Mrs. shin : yes sir.....Just tell me when will you go there?

Taehyung : I will leave from here in 10 minutes.....one more thing arrange bt21 character plushies
as gift

Mrs. shin : ok sir.....I will do it now

Taehyung : Thank you so much Mrs shin (then cut the call)

Taehyung pov : Thank you y/nie, because of you i came to know that my koo likes bt21 characters

Jungkook also come there after using washroom and goes to taehyung's behind

Jungkook say slowly : Taehyung-ssi?

Taehyung turn and look at jungkook then say : yes

Jungkook : Thank you and also sorry

Taehyung raised his eyebrows and say : for what?

Jungkook say nervously : Thank you for understanding my condition and for comfort me....
and sorry because I slept on your lap, you may not have liked it….but I promise you that I will never do that from today onwards.

Taehyung put his index fingure on jungkook's soft lips and say : sshhhh.....You talk a lot(jungkook pout) Jungkook don't think so much about small small things... and yes, I don't feel bad.....one more thing, don't ever say sorry or thank you to me after today ok?.......You have the right on me koo(say the last part slowly so that Jungkook can't hear)

Jungkook blushed because taehyung's index finger was still on his lips.....taehyung notices redness on Jungkook's cheeks, and he retracts his finger then he(jungkook) say shyly : ok

Taehyung : Should we leave from here? (Jungkook nods)

Both of them are leaving the office when taehyung remembers something and then he says to Roy :  Hyung Please call Bogum hyung's assistant. (Roy nods)

In 5 minutes Bogum's assistant is in front of Taehyung

Taehyung say with serious tone : We are leaving from here now, but Bogum hyung should not know anything about this incident......I don't want him to worry about anything.

Bogum's assistant : Ok Mr.kim but when that drama was happening, people had gathered there and many of them had also made videos.....Sir if those videos get leaked then the image of our company will be spoiled.

Taehyung : don't worry about that, my team will take care of it....(say to Roy) Hyung please see this matter

Roy : ok sir

Taehyung say to Bogum's assistant : ok then, we will leave now (assistant nods)

Even after all this drama, Jungkook's face was down... perhaps he had taken that woman's words on heart too much.....Taehyung could understand by looking at Jungkook that his state of mind was not fine.....that's why he had booked the restaurant so that he(jungkook) could feel a little better......he was afraid that Jungkook might never come out with him after today because this was his(jungkook's) first experience with him(taehyung) that was also useless.

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