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Taehyung first admire Jungkook lovingly for while who(Jungkook) was standing there with closed eyes......thinking in his(taehyung) mind why does such a natural beauty need makeup? Couldn't beautician see that he(Jungkook) doesn't need this waste material (makeup) to look beautiful......He(taehyung) chuckle slightly and shake his head to stops his thoughts.....and then gently ties Jungkook's long silky hair with the help of bow into a ponytail.....First of all, he take a cotton pad and apply micellar water on it and then hold it over his(Jungkook's) closed eye for a few seconds to loosen the makeup.....Then, he(taehyung) gently swipe the pad in a downward motion from lash line to brow bone.....he was very careful not to tug or rub Jungkook's eyes......he also remove heavy dark red lipstick from lips with same gentleness......Then apply micellar water to another cotton pad and gently massage it onto his(jungkook's) face in circular motions.....paying attention to hairline, nose, and around the mouth.
Then he wet a washcloth with warm water and rinse off the makeup remover......after drying his face with clean towel
he apply moisturizer, for help to hydrate Jungkook's frangile skin and keep it feeling soft and supple.

Taehyung take long sigh and say :
Uff.....Finally done

Jungkook chuckle after listening taehyung and and say slowly : should I open my eyes now?

Taehyung say playfully : offcourse baby koo

Jungkook blush and open his eyes but adorable pout form on his face and say very slowly like murmured : I am not baby

His bad luck that taehyung hear it and raised his eyebrow and say while laughing : you don't know.....but you are

The pout on Jungkook's face gets even bigger and he looks at Taehyung with his cute doe eyes and again murmured : hmph
I am not

Taehyung cooed at his cuteness.....It had become very difficult for him to control himself to not kiss that adorable pout.....but he didn't want to make Jungkook uneasy with any of his actions, that's why he looks away from him and says : Now let's get ready as you want.(Jungkook nods).

Jungkook again apply a little moisturizer on face to hydrate skin and create a smooth canvas for makeup......and completes his meckup with simple touch-up but when he was going to apply red lipstick on his soft lips then taehyung interrupt him and
says : Not this.....(gives him light pink shade of lipstick and says) apply this and also leave your hair open, your open hair looks very nice(jungkook nods while blushing).

Taehyung's pov while admiring beauty infront of him :
The world may dim,
the colors hush,
When your smile ignites the blush
Across your cheeks, a sunrise hue,
My gaze falls deep, and I see you.

Not just the curve of brow or eye,
The laughter lines where joy can lie,
But something more, a light within,
That makes you beautiful, my kin.

A firefly's glow in summer's night,
A moonbeam soft, a gentle light.
The way you hold yourself so true,
A strength and grace that shines right through.

I don't know what is happening with me but koo I am being drawn towards you.....my heart no longer bears the testimony of staying away from you...it is becoming very difficult for me not to love you......"maybe I have fallen in love with you Jungkook"......I am feeling a very strange calmness which I have never felt anywhere in my life....I don't know what will happen next.....I don't even know whether you have feelings for me or not but whatever it is, I don't want to think about it right now.......I just know that my heart is beating for you and I have to live the coming moments with these feelings..

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