7 - Answer my question

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How could time fly so fast? I remember only being her for the first time, the elevator opening, and all their stairs on me.

How did I even manage to kind of like Nat? I thought she would be the worst. Oh never mind she was the worst for a few weeks.

But here now she is, sobbing on me because I need to leave.

But if I stay, It will doubt end up on them knowing my past. Surely with Nat here.

"Sorry" I mumble still staring at the ceiling.

We lay there for about 10 minutes in full silence. But I am so confused. Why the fuck would she care that I leave? It is not like she is my best friend-.

"Wait why again are you sobbing?" I ask finally looking down at her. Her red puffy eyes and her tear-stained cheeks. Her mascara or eyeliner left a mark under her eye bags.

"I don wa ou o lve" She says in a quiet voice. No, I didn't understand any of it.

"Can you say that again?" I ask gently.

"Idon'twantyoutoleave" She says as fast as she can. Damn, I think I need a hearing aid like Clint because I understand nothing of what she says.

"Okay now, can you say that again but slower?" I ask slightly irritated but I try not to show it.

"I don't want you to leave" She says looking up at me, her beautiful forest-green eyes piercing through mine.

"Why would you care?" She looks away for a brief moment. So I tapped with my fingers on her back hoping it would make her talk.

"No never mind," She says standing up. Bitch what the fuck? She thinks she can come here sobbing in my bed saying she doesn't want me to leave. And THEN JUST WALKING AWAY?

I grab her wrist and pull on it so she is facing me again. I apply pressure on her wrist letting her know I will not let her go if she doesn't tell me.

"Answer my question," I command her, looking right into her eyes.

"Let. Me. Go." She says trying to pull her wrist away from my grab. But too bad for her, I know how to take a wrist, applying the right pressure on it making it hurt if she tries to pull it away.

"You can't just storm in MY room, crying as if the world is gonna end. Saying YOU DON'T want me to leave. AND THEN just saying NEVERMIND. AND trying to leave!" I shout at her, anger boiling inside of me.

I could see tears forming in her eyes when I started shouting. Oh lord, I feel bad right now.

But before I could even realize anything I felt her feet kicking me in my popliteal fossa (behind my knee). Making my knee sink in, loosening my grip.

But out of reflex, I grabbed both of my hands on her shoulders, sping her body around with her lying bottom with her arms above her head, me with my elbow on her throat.


Her eyes were speaking so many things but the only one that hit me was fear. Her breathing got heavier but she just kept lying in the same spot.

I couldn't even move myself. How could I have been that dumb? Was this her plan? That she comes here crying and shit, then making me angry so that I show her what I can do? Or was she just expecting me to ac-?

"Are you f- from t- th -the " She interrupts me, but she did not even finish her sentence, I think my face would have even given her that answer before she even had to ask it.

"I ca- cannot br- breath" She says still looking at me in disbelief.

I then remember my elbow on her throat. So I removed it as quickly as I could.

I let out a shaky breath and stood up. I take my phone and before I even know it myself I go on the balcony and go down with help from the balconies below mine.

I heard someone, probably Natasha shouting after me. But I was only running towards the gates, then climbing over them, then running down the streets before entering and losing myself in the crowd and traffic from NYC.






And with that, I walk, no, run like a fucking idiot to Fury who was still in the meeting room with the others.

They all stared at me like I was a ghost.

"Y/n is from the redroom. She strangled me and then left by the balcony before running away. I didn't even have time to realize it, but when I finally stood up she was long gone." I say in a quiet voice.

I wasn't sad or mad. I was confused and betrayed. For the one person, I thought I may let myself like besides the other Avengers. Literally backstabbed me.

-=- 7 months later -=-


I am walking down the Streets with Wanda, Bucky, and Sam. It was a cold November day.

It was only 8 a.m., it was still dark outside but there were still the lights of the city.

As we entered the coffee shop, we were greeted by the friendly barista who was still taking down the chairs that were on the table (for cleaning). I guess we were the first clients of the day.

We greet her as well and sit down. We talk about our new training routine and what movie we should watch tonight;

"It!" Sam shouts, earning a look from the barista.

"Are you crazy! Peter is here tonight, he won't be able to sleep for the next year!" Wanda whispered shouted.

I chuckle.

"Why not watch a Christmas movie? It is in about a month now." I said.

"Isn't it a bit too early?" Bucky asks while taking a sip from his black coffee.

"Y/n made me watch them in February, and there would still be 10 months to go." I say letting out a chuckle but I go silent after that.

We tried to find Y/n back but we couldn't find anything. Not an online order, nor is her bank account being used. Nothing.

I missed her. But I am also so angry at her.

Wanda put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Let's watch the Grinch?" Bucky proposes and we all nod in agreement.

We all drink our coffees, and Wanda her tea while we sit in comfortable silence. Everybody is lost in his thoughts.

We hear a doorbell ring and someone running towards the counter. Nobody looked up and just stared into the void. But when the woman spoke all eyes were on her, besides mine.

"I am so lateee, they are gonna kill me haha, no but can I have my usual order?" The woman says, I look up at Sam who is sitting over me. He gave me a confused face but then just nodded slowly.

"Don't worry Ashley I already thought you were just late, so I made your hot chocolate plus one homemade cookie, already in a bag. The barista says.

Ashley, beautiful name. It sucks that it isn't her real one. Or is it?

A/N: Hii, at everything I write I am afraid that I fuck this story up. So hopefully you still enjoy it :).

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