9 - show me

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"Damn, I am so glad my alarm alerted me." I scream at Yelena while we run down the stairs.

Me and Maya (the girl I babysit) went to the movie theatre to watch a new Disney movie. But halfway through the movie, I was alerted that someone entered my apartment.

I knew it was best to just never enter and leave the city. But there was a little box in it that was too important to leave it with them.

of course, I first contacted Liv, who knew where I lived, if it was her. But she didn't even remember that I went to the coffee shop this morning. So my first guess was someone manipulated her memory, that someone probably Wanda.

So I called Yelena (yes the movie was still playing and everyone shushed me, but who cares?). After the movie, we both went into my apartment with widow bites and the rest you all already know.

"Where are we even going, there are for sure S.H.I.E.L.D. agents outside!?" Yelena screamed.
"I know! But there is a window on the 6th floor where we could easily go on the roof of the building next to us?" I scream.

We were both running as fast as we could, we knew widow bites just sting a lot but only for a few seconds to 2 minutes.

And we didn't give Wanda one because she had Maya in her arms. So yeah, we just need to get out of here.

I could hear steps coming from under and above us. Once we arrive at the 4th floor I shoot the window and run into it.

My breath hitch as I feel pieces of glass entering my skin. My body falls on the rooftop and I see Yelena falling next to me, but she immediately stands up again.

"Stand up they're coming," Yelena says firmly offering me her hand.

I nod and stand up. Then we start running again. But with no chance, after a few minutes of jumping from one building to another or taking the emergency stairs, we are blocked now.

if we jump off the building, we are dead. So there is no way we can escape them.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked Yelena, who was breathing heavily.
"No" She answers looking down.

*time skip for an hour because I can, and don't know how to write this*

So S.H.I.E.L.D. got us and now we are in a van up to somewhere. It was quiet, the agents just stared at the wall from the van. Yelena and I in handcuffs, are weapons taken away from us.

"I feel bad for Maya tbh," I tell Yelena.
"Me too, she was nice."
"And why didn't you invite me to the movie theatre? You know I love Dinsey movies!" Yelena says the last part sarcastically.

The van stops abruptly and we are asked/forced to come out.

I am separated from Yelena and put in a room with a table and two chairs. Great an interrogation.

I am alone for about 15 minutes. Once in a while, I wave at the mirror. I can't see anybody but I am pretty sure someone is watching me

Then Nick Fury enters and takes the seat in front of me. He stares at me, without saying a single word.

Well, this was an uncomfortable silence.

"Hi," I say to break the silence.

"Hello Y/n Y/l/n, mind telling me what happened in these 8 months and what happened before that?" He asks and takes a paper in front of him. I recognized it, it was the paper I had to fill in when I entered S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No." I simply say. His shocked face was hilarious, but to keep it professional I kept my face serious.

"Excuse you?" He says, now angry but still confused.

"I, Y/n Y/l/n, will not be telling about my past." I state, now looking proud with my newfound confidence

"Alright then." He says. Now it was my turn to be confused.
"Wanda!" He screams looking towards the door.

Wanda walks in, she looks sad. Natasha then follows behind her.
"Show me." Fury orders Wanda. And with that, Wanda uses her powers and I see a red stain coming towards my head.

I have no idea what exactly happened. But I feel like I had a little summary from my whole life? Even things I couldn't remember.

When I look back up I see Wanda and Natasha with tears in their eyes. But Natasha quickly wipes them away. Fury just looked normal, there was something in him that made it impossible to read him.

Everyone stayed silent. I cleared my throat. But nobody said anything so I just started to examine the wounds the glass made.

They aren't so deep, just enough to make it bleed. I take the pieces out of my skin and drop them on the table. You could see the blood that was still on it.

Natasha walks out of the room without saying anything. Fury just stared at me and Wanda looked at my wounds.

Then about 5 minutes later Natasha comes in again and throws me a disinfectant spray.

"Thanks," I say to her and she just nods.

The awkwardness was nearly unbearable.

"Why didn't you leave New York? When you left 8 months ago." Fury asks me.

"I don't know," I say

"Do better than that" He snaps.

There was no point in lying so I just told the truth.
"New York was the first place I chose to go to. I guess I was not ready to leave it. I had seen all your routines, so I wouldn't cross you guys. But I guess you guys changed the routine." I say looking directly at him.

Fury was the one who gave me a chance to change and become better. I feel horrible for leaving and lying.

He nods at me and stands up.
"Did you meant what you wrote here?" He asks me and points at a question I had filled in when I wanted to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

- I would want to join SHIELD because I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world and using my skills to protect and serve. While I understand the importance of keeping certain aspects of my past private, I believe that SHIELD provides an excellent opportunity for me to contribute to the greater good and work toward redemption without having to disclose my past actions. -

"Yeah, I meant it, still do," I say while reading it.

"Do you wanna work again with us? Or are you done with everything?" He says looking at Natasha and Wanda, then at me again.

I think about it. From what I know it will be the best. I have a living place and work. And I am safe. Instead of with yele-. SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT YELENA.

"WHAT ABOUT YELENA?" I scream out of shock that I just didn't even think about her.

"Don't worry about her. We talked to her, and Wanda entered her mind. She will just live a quiet life now out of the city. Something in Norway with Melinda." Natasha says quietly.

"Oh ok," I say. Yelena had talked for hours about Melinda and Alexeii. So that is no big surprise.

"I mean, if I could be trusted again. I would like to work again." I say unsure if that is the correct thing to do.

"With me or with them?" He says pointing first at him and then at Natasha and Wanda.

I just want a life like in a movie | Natasha Romanoff x Reader | MCU Black WidowDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora