12 - restart of the plan

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A/N: I just reread everything from this book, because I forgot what most of our relationships are towards other people. Mainly because I kept confusing my two books. 
And I found out that I sometimes missed something in between the chapters which was quite weird. But alright. I'll also try to make us interact more with others. I wrote that everyone loved us in one of the chapters but I never showed us really talking with the others. 



Dinner was nice. Afterward, I went to my room upstairs to continue unpacking my bag. 

And I don't know if I mentioned this yet but I am also on house arrest in the compound for 1,5 months. It's not technically house arrest, but I can't leave it without a verified person. Not even on the roof. Otherwise, the alarms would go off.

After around 40 minutes I was done redecorating my room, =  moving things around.
So to relax, what's better than watching TV on a Friday night? 

I sit on my bed and ask JARVIS; "Jarvis could you turn the TV on, on Disney+ please?". 

"I'm afraid that would not be possible Miss Y/l/n. It seems to be blocked when I try to turn it on. I suggest you ask Mr. Stark to resolve the problem. For the moment, Mr. Stark is in the living room," The Ai says. 

"Oh, thank you." I sigh and get up from my bed. I go downstairs to where Tony is supposed to be. 

But when I entered, I was greeted by everyone watching the TV intently. It seems to be a thriller or some psychological scary movie. 

"Hello," I say when I notice nobody noticed me.

"AAAAAAAAH" "What the fu-" "IT'S VALAK" Multiple people scream horrified at the same time, while I get a pillow thrown at my face.

"Guys it's me calm down." I chuckle and they pause the TV. 

"Damn Y/n never do that again while we watch a horror," Clint says putting his hand over his chest.

"Sorry," I mumble. "But I wanted to ask why my TV is blocked. JARVIS said I had to ask you, Stark." I say facing him.

"Every TV is blocked in the whole building on Friday from 5 pm. It's so people don't miss out on movie night." Tony says looking at me. 

"Oh okay, that explains it. Have fun with the movie." I say and turn around to leave. 

"Y/n why don't you stay?" Wanda asks kindly. While petting a place next to her with her hand. 

"Oh well, I haven't seen the start of the movie, so don't worry". I wave her off trying to leave again. 

"Please, for me. I beg you. It sucks with nobody next to me to curl up to at the scary parts." She says while making puppy eyes with a smug smile. 

I roll my eyes playfully and sit next to her. 

"Thank you" She whispers in my ear. 

"I missed you," I say quietly hoping she won't hear it.

"I missed you too Y/n/n," She says while hugging me.

We continued to watch the movie, I had already seen it but I don't really mind. Plus, I'm not that easily scared of a movie so it's fun to see everyone screaming or looking away. 

{A/n: Okay so I'm so scared of horrors that it's not fun anymore. But I love dystopian movies,  but none of my friends like them (Hunger Games, divergent,...) }

It was already late so we all said goodnight and went our separate ways. 

'I'll start training tomorrow at 9 am,' I think to myself when I put on my alarm. 

I don't think I remember a lot of people training at that hour so I would be best.


"Are we gonna restart the plan or did Y/n fuck everything up?" I ask the team at breakfast (see Chapter 3 I think)

"I say we try to continue it." Clint says.


*8 am next morning*

"Just 10 more minutes," I mumble while hitting snooze on my alarm. 

*10 minutes later*

"Oh already?" I mumble again but close my eyes for a minute, just a minute. 

And in that minute, I managed to do one thing; fall back asleep again.

When I wake up again I see that it is already 10 am. I groan while I get up. 

There sure will be more folk now in the training room.
I change clothes, take a yogurt, and head towards it. 

I enter and see Steve hitting a punching bag, Bucky lifting weights, and Sam running on a treadmill.

I step towards the bench to put my bottle of water on it. 

I step to the other treadmill next to Sam. When he notices me next to him he smiles saying "Good morning Y/n". I do a small talk with him before starting my running session. 

We run in silence for around half an hour when he slows down and starts talking but with my airpods on, I can't hear him. 

"Sorry, what were you saying? I had my music on." I say while taking them out. 

"Oh sorry, Natasha and Clint reserved the training room at 11:30, which is in 15 minutes." He says. 

I nod and continue running, slowly putting it with less and less power to cool down.

When it is 11:28 I see that all the boys left so I walk over to the bench to grab my bottle to leave.

"Hey, Y/n want to train with us?" I hear Clint's voice ask. I turn around to see Natasha slapping him on the arm.

"Oh no, I don't think Natasha seems to want that," I say with a tiny smile to show that it doesn't bother me. 

"Oh no, she really wants to." He says quickly before Natasha can say something else. Her eyes widen as she looks at Clint and then at me again. 

I raise one of my eyebrows looking at him. 

"Right, Nat?" He says while waving his phone with his hand in her face. 

I guess black Mail for something. 

"Yes, I would want that," She says with a sigh. 


A/n: Hello, I hope you have a nice day :)

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