15 - idiots

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 - a week later or something

What can I say besides the fact that Nat and Y/n are complete idiots?

No, but I'm serious, they're so oblivious that it becomes painful to look at.

Since the night we went out together, it has become 10x worse than it was before.

I was out on the dance floor when I wanted to get a drink and get Y/n to dance with me. But when I came to the bar, I was met with the sight of Natasha grinding on Y/n, then kissing each other sloppily before going back to do shots.

Since then, the sexual tension has been huge. For any other person, it would just seem like normal tension, just people who don't like each other. But if you could hear their thoughts, gosh, you would be 100% convinced it is.

But the worst part in all of this is, that they both neglect the fact that there is even the slightest chance for romantic feelings for the other.

I know Natasha remembers nearly everything. Her thoughts about that night are too specific to have just been an imagination.

Yet here she is, dreaming about recreating the moment, yet neglecting the fact she wants to recreate it with  Y/n.

So you can't blame me for naming them idiots 🤷‍♀️


- 5 pm

I step out of my bed, clean myself up, and wash my hands. I change my bed covers and put on some underwear and my suit.

I know I needed to be ready 10 minutes ago but since the club, I was just so horny.

It sucks I don't have a boyfriend so he can make the need disappear and make me feel good.

I can't keep fucking myself forever. (she's in denial guys, she's a lesbian)

I hate the fact that I need to do a 3-day mission with Y/n.

The president is visiting LA and needs the most protection he can have.
Meaning that this will be a super boring mission with the most boring people in the world.

The only positive thing about this is that we get to sleep in a fancy hotel and have good food.

We arrive around 8 pm at the hotel we will be staying in the first night.
LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) comes to us immediately to talk about what will happen to next day, ...,  ext.

The only thing that was relevant to us was that we would be sitting in a car with the president and two cops.

One who is still a rookie. I think her name was Chan, Chein, maybe Chen? I'm not sure, the only thing I was focusing on was Y/- the mission.

We say a quick goodbye before we all go to our own room.

The next day we stand outside, waiting for the president, Harry (guys I don't know who could be a good president so I just took Harry Styles as president, as the current one is shitty for the us. No hate is accepted to harry💁‍♀️ ).

The two cops come up to us in their uniform. The rookie seemed a little nervous to see us which was quite funny.

(guys imagine 'the rookie' lucy and tim season 1)

"Okay so I'm Tim Bradford and I will be the one driving. Harry Styles is in the passenger seat meaning you are all three in the back. Have your weapons ready in case anything happens. All streets and apartments aren currently blocked."  The man says, confidently leaving little to no room for arguing which I respect. But when I look at Y/n's face she looks annoyed. She doesn't like being told what to do apparently, or she's just as bored as me.

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