chapter 15

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"there you go." jj says as he lays me down on tobis sofa. tobi then enters the livingroom with a bag secured with my clothes. once we knew the house was father free, eilise volunteered to gather a few of my things from there for now.

i am now back from the hospital after a good couple of days. thank god. i hate that place. the last couple of days was nothing too exciting. the boys coming to visit and eilise. tobi never once left my side resulting in me meeting his mother and brother manny.

they were both lovely people and i hope to see them again soon.

as for my father, he made a runner. no trace of him at all. the police found his drugs and were planning to break in and arrest him but apparently he's gone.

pain has settled deep in the pit of my stomach. i know he was a crazy son of a bitch bitch and he hated me. but i'm his daughter.

"earth to taytum." jj waves his hand infront of me. "huh? what?" i shake my head to snap me out of the daze i'm in.

"tobi asked if you wanted anything to eat." i then turn to look at tobi who is in the kitchen. "no no i'm okay." i've been eating the past couple of days but just not as much. but that is expected.

i was also put on pain meds which i need to take every night for the next 2 weeks. i'll probably forget but i'll have tobi.

as for that situation, everytime i said that i couldn't stay with him and it's not fair he just insisted more. he didn't even let me pay half the rent.

"oh come on t, even just a slice of toast." he says giving me his puppy eyes.

i groan. "fineeee, can i have a cup of tea then too?"

he nods. "sugar?"


jj then scoffs at me. "your gonna get diabetes."

"oh shutup jj."

he rolls his eyes. "your lucky your still injured." he squints his eyes at me trying to intimidate me.

my injury pain has lessened but i still can't walk long distances without a shooting pain going up my left side or getting dizzy from my concussion. i've also been bounded on bed rest for the next week and then if i feel any better i can go on about my life.

i just have to make sure my stitches don't open and i take my meds.

"right well since i'm not LOVED here." he dramatises. i roll my eyes. "i'm gonna go." he laughs. "okay bye jj." i drag out his name.

"see you later jj." i hear tobi call over the boiling kettle.

before jj walks out he points at me. "look after yourself shortie."

i smile at him. "i will jj."

me and tobi were now watching a christmas film. him with his arm around my shoulder and my head on his chest. "where's your christmas tree?" i ask when i notice the lack of christmas cheer.

"i was gonna put it up with you after your birthday but now i don't think it's a good idea." he says gesturing to my injuries.

i cover my face with my hands. "great, i've ruined your christmas now too."

tobi then grabs my hands and takes them out of my face and gives me a stern expression. "taytum williams, you are not ruining anyone's christmas, we will just put the decorations up a little later when you feel up to it, that's all."

tobi is kinda hot when he's all serious. oh my god taytum get a grip.

"okay okay i'm sorry."

he then pulls my head back down into his chest and then continues to watch the film. after a few minutes i need to pee. i move to get up but then groan when i sit up to fast.

"taytum take it easy!" tobi exaggerates. i roll my eyes. "i'm fine tobi." he shakes his head. "where are you going?"

"the bathroom." he then gets up holding out his hand to pull me up. i get up but reach out to grab onto his shoulders when i suddenly feel dizzy.

"woah woah." tobi rushes and wraps his arms around my waist to stabilise me. "you good?" i nod closing my eyes for a moment."yeah yeah"

"come on then." he guides me to the bathroom. i then walk in shutting the door and do my buissness, no longer dizzy. i walk out and am met by tobi who is in the same spot he was when i entered the bathroom.

"thankyou tobi."

he smiles. "anything for you."

i blush and look down. "what times it?" i ask him.
he looks at his watch ok his wrist. "9:30pm."

i rub my eyes. "i think i might go to sleep soon. is that okay?"

"yeah ofcourse its okay. this is your place aswell now." he says genuinely.

"tobi it isn't mine, not until you actually let me pay you or something."

"no the only thing i need is for you to be safe under this roof." he says pointing at me. i giggle. "whatever, i'm gonna find some way of paying you."

"god you are so stubborn."

"get used to it" i wink.

"okay let me take your bag into the guest room." i nod already heading into the room.

he then comes in not a minute later and hands me my bag. i lift my pajamas out of it. "i'll give you a minute to get changed." he says while leaving.

i then put on my plaid black and white pajama bottoms and remove my crop top. i look at the big bandage still wrapped around it. i have to change that every 2 days.

then going back over to my bag i grab tobis hoodie that i still have from one of the first times i ever came to his house. it still smells like him.

i make my way out of the room and head to the kitchen where i see tobi filling up a glass of water. he then hands it to me along with 2 painkillers.

jesus if it wasn't for him i would have forgot.

he laughs knowing that i forgot. "i knew you would have forgotten." i just laugh with him throwing the painkillers in my mouth and taking a gulp of the water.

once i've done that tobi raises his eyebrow and comes closer wrapping his arms around my waist. "my hoodie i see."

i wrap my arms around his neck. "it is indeed."

he then leans in, kissing me deeply. he runs his tongue along my bottom entrance asking for permission. i open my mouth and let his tongue dominate.

the kiss doesn't last very long since tobi pulls away breathlessly. "maybe you should stay in my room tonight, but no innapropiate stuff while the lady is still injured."

i giggle. "i wouldn't mind aslong as the gentle man doesnt."

"he doesn't mind at all" he smirks kissing me again.

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