chapter 29

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i jolt awake, breathing heavily. i look around the room frantically. this is the third time this is happened, the third night that tobi hasn't been beside me. ever since he has left my nightmares have come back.

i sigh, turning on my side to see that it's 3:13 in the morning. i lift the sheets off of me and make my way into the bathroom. i glance at myself in the mirror and see eye bags planted beneath my eyes.

the past couple of days i have been trying to get back into routine with uni and work but the lack of sleep is putting me off.

walking out of the bathroom i grab my phone and look through instagram knowing that i won't be able to get back to sleep.

a half an hour later, a text comes through.


why are you up at this time?
you never stay up late
half the time i force you to stay awake.

shit. he must've seen me online because of the time difference. what do i say? i'm not gonna tell him about my nightmares and cause him to worry about me.

the noise outside woke me

it was a believable lie. tobi knows that i'm a very light sleeper and can be woke very easily compared to him being a very deep sleeper.

oh okay
go back to sleep baby.

i'll try
goodnight tobes
i'll text you later.

okay princess
goodnight x

it was now around 5 in the afternoon when someone knocks on my door. me and tobi facetimed earlier and he was filling me in on everything that was happening and that he might be home early due to the process being quicker than they thought. thank god. i miss him.

i furrow my eyebrows, making my way to the door. i slowly open it to reveal freya talia and eilise. i look at what they're holding in their hands and see loads of bags.

"what are you guys doing?" i ask suspiciously, opening the door allowing them to come in.

we walk to the livingroom where they set they're bags down on the sofa.

"we are going out!" eilise squeals.

"what?" i say confused.

eilise makes her way over to me putting her hands on my shoulders. "we know you've been having troubles sleeping without tobi here."

i frown. "how did you know?"

"i'm your bestfriend tay, i know these things... plus you look like shit." the last line making us all laugh. "thanks eilise." i say rolling my eyes.

"but you guys know i don't drink that much ." i say referring to my fathers problems with alcohol.

"we know, but we want you to get loose, you will be under our supervision." talia days trying to convince me.

it isn't a bad idea, i don't want my father restricting anymore than he already has. plus i could do with some fun.

i sigh at their expectant looks. "fineee."

they squeal hurting my ears.

we then run into the spare room to my vanity that tobi politely got moved from my old house to here.

while getting ready me and the girls laugh and listen to music, doing each others hair and makeup. "where are we going?" i ask.

"a new club that got opened up." freya says jow changing into her beautiful gold dress.

"i'm excited." i say smiling, i really am.

"what are you wearing tay?" talia asks going over to the wardrobe in the room that hold my clothes. they are in here since me and tobi haven't found time to move them into his walk in wardrobe.

"i have no clue."

"i'm sure you have something." she replies going through my mini dresses.

"oh my god." she gasps pulling out a black mini dress. "this is the one, try it on!"

i laugh at her expression and take off my clothes pulling the dress over my head. the girls expressions are priceless.

"it's gorgeous."

"you look so hot."

"so pretty."

they all say in awe making me shy.

"okay guys stop staring!" i shout. "get dressed, let's go!"

they roll their eyes before going to get dressed. as they are getting dressed i decide to text tobi.


the girls are dragging me out

oh god
where to?

a club
the new one that
recently opened
you drinking?

i'm gonna see what happens

okay tay
just be careful yeah?
i'll call you through the night
to check up on you

okay baby
love you x

love you more x

"you ready love bird?" talia smirks as she looks over my shoulder. i look up and see the girls and how beautiful they look.

"yous look amazing." i say in awe.

they all say thankyou and we grab our stuff to go.

"let's go girls!!"

short one.
i don't feel too good but hope you enjoy!
can't wait for the next few chapters...

HAPPINESS - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now