chapter 40

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after we finished the video, all of us decided to go to me and tobis apartment to chill out for a while. i sigh walking into the apartment until i remember about my phone buzzing earlier.

"i'll be back guys." i say, walking into the spare room away from the others.


don't think he'll be able to help you

i furrow my brows. who is this and who is saving me from what? my heart beats a little faster as i type a reply.

who is this?

you know who

my heart drops, my gut telling me that it's micheal. i should've stopped calling him father ages ago.



i freeze in my spot, feeling my heart sink. how did he get my number?

as i said, he can't help you taytum

i'll see you soon.

i gasp, trying to get air into my lungs. my request for air being refused as i start coughing repeatedly, sounding like i'm dying.

i fall to the floor.


all of us are sitting in the livingroom waiting for taytum to come back to start the film when i hear her coughing hysterically. i straighten up in my seat and turn to the spare bedroom, staring wt the closed door.

"taytum?" i call out to her.

i get no reply but a few seconds later we hear a thump. without even thinking i run towards the spare room. not caring about anyone else in this moment. only her.

"taytum!" i shout barging through the door.

i see her huddled in the corner of the room. i then noticed her heavy, uneven breaths. she's having a panic attack.

i rush to her side immediately, trying to get her attention. "hey hey, baby it's okay, look at me."

she then jumps, noticing my presence. "t-obi" she tries.

"no no shhh breath, just breath taytum. copy me." i whisper in a soft tone.

she shakes her head and points at her phone. i furrow my brows, glancing at it then back to her. i slowly pick it up and see the reason behind her panic attack.

"shit." i mumble, bringing her into my arms. "taytum, look at me." i whisper again, noticing that she's not focusing on me.

she looks at me, her eyes full of terror.

"don't listen to him, i'll always help you no matter what. i'll protect you, your safe." i say rubbing up and down her arms. "i'll protect you because i love you, okay?"

after my reassurance, her breaths become more even. she nods. "thankyou." she says wrapping her arms around me and snuggling into me. "tobi?" she whispers.

"mhm?" i say looking down at her. "how did he get my number?" she says, her voice shakey.

"i wish i knew baby. how about we take this to the police tomorrow?" i suggest. she nods as her eyes drift behind us.

i glance back and see that everyone has been watching us with sad eyes. i look back at taytum and see her shrink in her spot, embarrassed.

"do you want them to leave?" i whisper so lowly that only she can hear. she shakes her head hesitantly. "no, they haven't done anything wrong, i think i might go lie down for a while though." she whispers back.

i nod. "i'll join you." i say not wanting to leave her alone.

"you can't just leave them." she argues.

"i would for you." i say, putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear. she smiles softly. "i love you."

i lean down and kiss her gently. "i love you more." i whisper against her lips.

i gently close the door after lying with taytum until she fell asleep.

"how is she?" harry asks, breaking the silence. while i was with taytum, they all say around the kitchen table trying to find a solution to our problem.

"she's frightened. shocked aswell. how did he get her number?" i say confused. i look around and see that they are all confused too.

i sigh angrily pulling at my hair. "he can't give her one fucking day to enjoy herself. she said was happy today." i groan out, swallowing back the angry tears wanting to flow.

they all look at me with sympathy. "she hasn't had it easy." jj shakes his head.

"uk what about- nevermind ." talia stops herself.

"what is it baby?" simon says, his full attention on her.

"maybe we could go on a holiday for a while, make videos over there, she looks shoot when making them."

"that's actually a good idea." i nod, thinking about places where we could go.

"yeah and not to mention that we have no uni for a while now." eilise also adds.

"yeah we could go after christmas."

hopefully this will take her mind off it, i think to myself.

HAPPINESS - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now