chapter 25

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"taytum!" the girls all squeal as they walk through the door, running directly into my open arms. they all collide into me.

"careful." tobi warns, still knowing about my sore side. "tobi." i roll my eyes. "it doesn't hurt that much anymore."

"still." tobi states before heading over to the boys to give them all a hug.

"come on, let me show you the pajamas i picked out!" i say excitedly, walking into tobis room. well i think i should call it me and tobis room because that's where i sleep now.

i grab the bag that's in the floor and lift out the 4 matching pajamas.

"oh my god taytum these are so cute!" eilise says. both freya and talía agree. "i'm glad you like them, now hurry i want to put up the decorations!" i say quickly, excited for tonight.

we quickly get changed in me and tobis room and head out to the boys. eilise makes her way to harry and talia and freya make their ways to josh and simon.

tobi then comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, whistling lowly under his breath. "you look so good right now." he says, dipping his head into my bare neck, kissing it softly.

"tobi stop. not now." i whisper causing him to groan quietly. "later then." he whispers back, leading me into the living room where all the decorations were laying about.

"so what are we doing first?" vik asks. "the tree duh." i deadpanned.

"the christmas decorations are lovely who picked them?" talia asks. "me!" tobi shouts, taking credit of my lovely decorations. i scoff. "uh no you didn't."

"yes i did."

"no you didn't."

"yes i-"

"oh my fucking god, will you two shut the fuck up." jj exaggerates. i roll my eyes and make my way over to the box which the christmas tree is in.

"tobi can you go grab the scissors?" i ask noticing the tape. he nods, "yeah sure"

a few minutes later tobi comes back with the scissors and helps me open the box.

once the tree is out of the box, the girls and i decide to put on some christmas music to play in the background. once that's done we ask the boys if they want hot chocolate. they all say yes and us girls make our way into the kitchen.

i grab all the cups we need and measure out the right amount of hotchocolate powder for each cup.

"we should make tiktoks!" talia suggests. "okay wait!" i say running back into the living room, grabbing 4 bits of tinsel and christmas themed glasses.

"oh my god! when did you get these?" freya laughs. i shrug my shoulders. "i got them when tobi wasn't looking."

we all laugh at my statement and begin making stupid tiktoks ending up in talia actually posting one.

we were in the middle of dancing around the kitchen like maniacs when all 7 boys come in interrupting us from our dance session.

"what the fuck." harry says, making us all laugh. "you guys are terrible dancers." josh states, making us girls take offence.

"i thought we were doing well." i giggle, fixing the tinsel that was around my neck like a scarf.

tobi walks further into the kitchen towards me and gently grabs my glasses from my face. he quirks an eyebrow, "when did you get these?" he asks.

"today." i say, everyone else around us had went into there own conversation. "mhmm is that so?" tobi hums, pulling me in for a kiss.

our kiss is then interrupted by jj who makes vomiting sounds. i pull away and glare at him. "do you mind?"

"yes i do, i don't want to see you guys fucking eachother." he says in disgust. tobi laughs. "we were kissing jj."

he dramatically shrugs his shoulders. "same thing."

"where's my hot chocolate?!" i then hear josh shout. "make your own josh." freya says handing him a cup of hot chocolate powder.

"you guys were meant to be on hotchocolate duty." ethan states. "yeah, we had to put up the tree." harry then says.

"it took 7 of yous to put up a tree." i say, silencing all 7 men. "pathetic." talia says from beside me, laughing.

"okay okay, i'll make the hot chocolate and you guys start opening all the baubles." vik suggests making us all agree.

i squeal with excitement, i loved decorating the christmas tree. "let's go!" i turn tobi around and start pushing him in the direction of the living room. the boys did a good job putting up the tree.

we all start opening the baubles and begin placing them on the tree. we then started our own choir as we sang along with the christmas songs. ending up with all us wheezing when jj couldn't hit a high note.

"stick to rapping kiddo." i laugh, nearly on the floor from laughing so much. jj turns to me. "who are you calling kiddo, shortie." he says walking towards me.

"jj!" simon shouts and before we know it jj trips over a box and goes flying into our half decorated tree. jj makes the girliest scream ever.

i was now definitely on the floor from laughing. "i- i c-cant bre-ath." i try get out. jj was lying beneath the fallen christmas tree. "get it off me!" he shouts, i'm going to pee myself.

i wasn't the only one. everyone and jj was laughing at what just happened. none of us could make a proper sentence.

after we have calmed down, ethan and harry lift the tree off of jj to see that some of the baubles had been smashed.

"i can't believe that happened." i say with a cheesy smile not able to get the scene of what just happened out of my head.

"okay let's take a break from decorating." tobi suggests. "who wants food?"

"ME!!" eilise shouts. causing me talia and freya to burst out into another fit of laughter recalling what she had said earlier today.

i actually giggles while writing this.

HAPPINESS - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now