chapter 32

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as i said, i got the next flight out which was at 12am, LA times. meaning i won't be back home until the afternoon.

the whole flight home i've been worried sick about taytum. i couldn't help but think if i was there maybe he wouldn't have gotten away with it.

i hate him for making my girl feel they way she is feeling right now.

the whole flight dragged on as i was steadily just worrying about her.

once im in my building i run as fast as i can up the several flights of stairs as im too impatient to wait for the elevator. i need to see my baby.

once i reach my flore i'm out of breath but i don't care. i grab the key and open the door as quickly as possible.

once im in the apartment i see all the girls crowded outside my bedroom door. they sigh of relief when they see me run through the door.

"oh my god tobi are we glad to see you." freya exhales.

once the girls see my face of worry they get right into explaining everything.

they told me what went down at the club before they had called me. "and now she won't come out of your room, she's locked herself in there and she's been asking all day where you are." eilise says sadly.

i look around the three girls. their eyes puffy from tears and lack of sleep. "you girls go home, i've got her from here."

they nod reluctantly, not wanting to leave but they know they can't do much more than they already have.

once they leave i knock gently on me and taytums bedroom door.

"taytum it's me." i say as soft as i can, not wanting to alert her.

it's silent for a minute until i hear ruffling from inside the room. i then hear a lock click as she softly opens the door.

i take in her state. she is in my hoodie, which was drowning her and a pair of pajama bottoms. her eyes red and puffy from crying and lack of sleep, just like the girls.

"oh taytum." i say pulling her into a tight embrace. she sobs into my shoulder. "tobi." she whispers, tightening her hold around my neck.

i lead both of us into the bedroom again, softly directing us to lie in the bed so she is lying tight in my hold.

"talk to me, princess." i whisper into her hair.

"i was so scared tobes." she says turning to me. "i- i thought he was gonna take me and i'd never see you again. i don't want that to happen tobi. don't let him take me." she cries, taking a handful of my shirt, tightening it in her fist.

tears are now streaming down my face as i sit up and cup her face with both hands. i shake my head. "i'm never gonna let anything bad happen you tay, your stuck with me."

she then smiled through her tears, leaning her forehead up against mine. "you always know how to make me feel better tobes, your my rock."

i lean in and kiss her. "and your my glue, without you i don't think i'd be able to hold it together, i love you taytum."

"i love you too tobes." she says kissing me.

"how about i run you a bath mhm?" i whisper against her lips.

she shakes her head and then grips onto me like a monkey with her arms around my neck and legs around my torso.

"no, don't go." she mumbles. i rub her back gently. "how about i stay in the bath with you." i suggest.

she nods against my chest not letting go.

i careful stand, putting one arm around taytums back, making sure she's secure in my arms and doesn't fall.

i make my way into the main bathroom of the apartment where the big white bath is.

entering the bathroom, i use my other arm that is not holding taytum to turn on the tap.

"you want bubbles?" i ask gently, turning my head to face her. she lifts her head from my chest, nodding. "please." she replies.

i nod and add the bubbles.

when the bath is at the right temperature i turn the tap off.

i walk away from the bath, over to the counter and place taytum onto it, unwrapping her arms and legs from around me. she pouts.

i laugh at her childishness. "come on tay, arms up." i tell her just like i would to a child.

she obeys, lifting her arms up. i grip the bottom of my hoodie pulling it up to reveal her beautiful body.

i am not gonna make this situation sexual at all because this is about taytum and her feelings right now. she is my main priority and always will be. i am making sure she is okay.

she then hops off the counter taking the rest of her clothes off.

"go sit in the bath." i tell her. "i'll be in in a minute."

she nods, making her way to climb into the bath. i open the cabinet door to reveal a lighter.

i walk over to the bath and light the candles that were already places around it.

i then take off all my clothes, switching off the bathroom light and climb in behind taytum. taytum immediately relaxes into my touch and leans back against me.

i cup water in my hands and run it over her back in attempt to calm her tense muscles. i then lift my hands to gently massage her shoulders.

taytums hands are resting on both my legs, just above my knee. her touch giving me butterflies.

"what did i do to deserve you?" she asks herself. "your amazing."

i smile at this. "i love you so much princess." i whisper, leaning my head down into the crook of her neck, giving it a soft kiss.

super cute.
poor taytum.
sorry for the depressing chapters.
it's gonna get happier soon.

HAPPINESS - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now