chapter 18

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disbelief was etched across taytums face. colour had drained from her. she looked like a ghost.

"taytum?" her father said now standing straight and not rummaging through cupboards.

hearing her fathers voice, taytum straightened, her head held high. "what are you doing here?" hee voice was shakey but i was proud of her nonetheless.

"they took it." i was now very confused. i looked at taytum from my space right beside her. she was confused aswell.

"took what?" she questions.

"my money, my beer, they took everything!" his eyes angered. pointing at taytum. "you took everything!"

it was hard to tell if the man was sober or half cut.

i stand protectively infront of taytum glaring at her father. "don't you dare speak to her like that."

he laughs at me then looks at taytum. "so this is one of the many boys you've been sleeping with? slut!"

i know he said this to trigger me, but i know what type of person taytum is and she isn't one to go sleeping around.

"why are you here?" she mumbles, all her confidence leaving her.

"i came for my passport." he said looking away, guilty?

i feel taytum stumble backwards a bit causing me to reach out and out an arm around her waist to stabilise her.

"your leaving. even after what you did? to me?" i look in between the two not wanting to get meddled into this argument but will step in once it gets too far.

"did what? stab you? that was intentional although i wish it would've went deeper." he says getting closer, trying to mess with taytum.

i look at taytum as she stands taller and straighter with confidence. pushing down every emotion she was feeling right now. "i wish i left this house the minute i turned 18, to get away from your pathetic ass."

rage and fury burned behind taytums fathers eyes and the next thing i know it he is charging for her.

without thinking i step in front of taytum and send a blow to her fathers face. causing him to fall and groan. weak.

"dont you dare touch her." i spit.

he ignores me and looks directly at taytum. "you think he's gonna stick around and protect you?" he says gesturing to me. "your wrong, he'll leave you once he knows the real you, the pathetic and broken you. you'll have no one taytum, you'll die alone."

this causes me to send my right foot right into his rib. taytum had silent tears running down her face, her head hung low.

"your wrong." i state. "taytum is the best thing that's ever happened to me and if you think i'm going to leave her, you're dumber than i thought." taytum lifts her head and looks into my eyes. i send her a reassuring smile and a nod indicating that everything i was saying was true.

i then look down at the dirty excuse of a man below my feet. "if you know what's best for you, hand yourself in."

he shakes his head. "no!"

i kick him again. "fine then, i will." i look at taytum for permission and she nods.

i go to grab my phone out of my pocket when i hear taytum shout. "tobi!"

next thing i feel is a punch landing on my left cheek. the force of the punch leaving me on the floor.


"tobi!" i shout trying to warn him of my father approaching but it's too late. i quickly make my way over to my father grabbing his arm and pulling with all my force to get him away from the man i have fallen in love with.

"get off of him!" i scream.

he laughs in my face pushing me full force into the kitchen counter, hitting my wound which is still tightly wrapped. i wince. what is with me and getting injured in kitchens recently?

he laughs at me while making his way torwards me.

by now tobi was up and forcefully pushed him away giving me time to dial 999.

once they answer i quickly tell them my name and address informing that the man they were searching for is in the house they investigated a couple days ago. they said they'd be roughly there around 6 minutes.

after the phone call i bring my attention back to the two men brawling on the kitchen floor. i see my dad on top of tobi, tobi struggling to fight back.

fuck fuck fuck.

think taytum think.

my eye catches the kettle hidden in the back of an opened cupboard. that'll do. i quickly rush towards it grabbing it and stalk towards my father.

i forcefully slam the kettle into the back of this head, causing him to collapse, blacking out.


i push him off of tobi and quickly examine the poor boys face. "tobi tobi are you okay?" i say as shakey hands grab his face.

he had cut his eyebrow open and busted his lip. he sits up and grabs my shakey hands, kissing them both. "i am now."

i sigh, collapsing into his arms on the floor. he immediately wraps his arm around my waist while the other one pushes my head into his chest.

i pull him closer, putting my arms around his neck. "i'm so sorry he did this tobi." i cry.

"shhh it's okay, we are both okay." he soothes.

the door then barges open and police come patrolling in. they quickly notice the blacked out man and hand cuff him straight away.

"are you both alright?" a police man asked. we nodded, not wanting another hospital trip. "make sure you clean that eye out sir, do you need medical help?"

"no i'm okay." tobi responds as we both make out way to stand up.

"we will need a statement from both of yous briefly." he then says again.

i internally groan. i want to go home.tobi sensing my thoughts he rubs my back up and down.

half an hour later we have both given our statements and now are in the front hall. the police gone along with my dad. me and tobi both pick up a couple of my bags each.

"let's go home baby." he whispers.

boy am i glad to go home.

sorry if there
are mistakes

HAPPINESS - tobi brown Where stories live. Discover now