chapter 39

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"okay are you guys ready?" vik says about to start the timer. we are now in the sidemen's warehouse with a big long table holding all our supplies.

me and tobi are in the middle of the table with jj and ethan next to us on the right and josh and freya on our left.

"wait! i don't want to be beside jj." i say before he starts the 2 hour timer.

jj looks at me with a hand on his heart. "wow shortie, i'm offended."

"you'll steal my sweets."

tobi then places his hands on my shoulders. "share taytum." he whispers in my ear. i sigh. "fine i guess i'll share."

jj laughs. "simp." he whispers under his breath. i punch him in the arm. it wasn't hard, well i'm not very strong anyways, but jj being jj bes dramatic about it. "stop being a baby."

"shortie i swear to g-"

"okay time starts now!"  vik interrupts, having enough of our bickering.

"AH!" jj screams in panic. but starts forming his ginger bread house.

"okay baby, what will we do first?" tobi whispers in my ear. i lean of the table and grab the box with the gingerbread house. while doing this tobi steps behind me, blocking the cameras view of seeing my arse.

i roll my eyes but stand back up straight. i look at tobi , both eyebrows raised, a teasing smirk on my face. he shrugs. "what? can't let anyone see what's mine."

i giggle while he opens the box. i grab one of the multiple white icing tubs and stir it.

once we've got out structure of the house we glue it together with icing. tobis job is to hold it for me once ice it.

"ah taytum! stop getting it on my hands!" tobi exclaimed. i giggle. "sorry baby."

after we have put the house together tobi wipes the icing off his hands and rubs it onto the tip of my nose.

i look at him and pout. he smirks and continues on making sure the gingerbread house stays up. i rub the icing off and help him.

me and tobi were quick in getting the basic structure as tobi is just good at everything he does and i am a perfectionist with a slight bit of ocd.

tobi is organising our decorations when i glance up at everyone else's. talias and simons is going great, harry and eilises is okay, eilise having a hard time controlling harry's impulsive thoughts.  josh was busy fighting with freya, complaining she isn't letting him do anything, i mean who would.

then we come to jj and ethan's. when i last saw them they were doing okay, now i don't even see a house. all i see is a gingercock staring back at me. i laugh.

"oh my god! it's a ginger cock." i say without thinking. everyone laughs at my sudden statement but understand once they look up.

"it's ethan's, since he's ginger." jj shrugs. we all giggle shaking our heads.

after a while of decorating, we are all finished with just a little time left. during the video i felt my phone bleeping but decided not to be rude and go on my phone, instead i turned it off. i'll look at it when i'm home.

vik is now walking around, inspecting our masterpieces. not to be cocky or anything but i think me and tobi have one this one, it's tight with talia and simon though.

"jesus what the fuck is that." vik exhales, looking at jj and ethan's.

it literally looks like a scrambled cock.

tobi laughs from behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist, head situated on my shoulder. i turn my head slightly, raising my eyebrows.

"you were thinking aloud." he explains.

"ah." i relaise, turning my head back around, slightly leaning into tobis comforting touch.

"oh my god, how is that so good?" vik exclaims seeing me and tobis. "it was all tay. she gave the orders." tobi says giving me all the credit. i shake my head. "no no tobi was a great help."

after a while of vik inspecting the gingerbread houses, turns out me and tobis was the best.

"yes!" me and tobi both shout, i wrap my arms around him, he lifts my legs and runs with me around the warehouse while chanting the words 'we won' over and over again.

i giggle, holding on extra tight not wanting to fall. tobi would never drop me though.

everyone admires our little moment with a small happy smile on their faces.



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caption: safe to say me and @taytumwilliams won that 🏆

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caption: safe to say me and @taytumwilliams won that 🏆

@taytumwilliams - we slayed (no pun intended)
> @user - i love her
> @user - she seems so kind

@ksi - sweats
> @taytumwilliams - just beacuse you lost jj with the gingercock
> @ksi - justice for gingercock

@user - omg them in this video was so cute

@user - when he ran with her in his arms 😍

this was a cute one

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