Badboy/Goodgirl (Alia and Kade)

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I was the boy that parents warned their kids to stay away from.  Merely just because I had a record for getting into trouble and maybe the conservatives freaked that I was getting tattoos since I was twelve (even I will admit that's rather young).  But now that I was seventeen, I didn't see why they still freaked.  Maybe it was because they thought I'd give their kids weed.  Like I would I would just give mine over to them.  Clearly, they didn't understand how that worked.  If their kids wanted to smoke, they would get their own cigarettes or vapes or whatever they were hitting up, because they weren't getting mine.

Alia was the school angel.  She was the good girl that everyone got compared to, but I saw a beast underneath her gentleness that no one else did.  She was seventeen like me and, frankly, downright gorgeous.  Her round blue eyes spoke for her and her curly auburn hair was a rare gem.  She was half a head shorter than me with a thin body frame.  But I knew better than to underestimate her strength.

When I arrived late to school, she wasn't very happy.  Had I been late for good reason, she wouldn't have cared.  Instead I intentionally decided to sleep instead of going to class because I had chosen not to sleep until five AM.  And this wasn't the first time I'd done it. I had done it more times than I cared to admit and it definitely messed with my grades. So when I got the text from Alia that we needed to talk, I knew what was coming, nor was I surprised.

I entered the classroom that wasn't ever used.  Many high schoolers came in between classes to hook up.  But since it was after most classes, they would hook up off school property.  None of the teachers or the principal cared about what the room was used for.  They knew what went on, they just never cared enough to stop anything.  Which was why we decided to use it, and confidently knowing that we would not be interrupted.

Alia was sitting on the old teacher's desk, her legs crossed.  Her face was solemn and sober versus my mischievous smirk that I could feel playing on my lips.  Closing the door behind me, I locked it just to be safe.  When I reached her, I set both my hands on the desk, trapping her where she was while I planted a kiss on her lips.  She accepted it and returned it while gripping my black curls tightly.  We eventually broke away for air.  I leaned back in but she stopped me.

"Kade, you're stalling," she accused.

She wasn't wrong, but I wasn't about to admit it.  Nor was I about to deny it.  Instead, I hopped up and sat on the desk next to her.  I leaned slightly towards her.  "You texted, I came."

"You do remember that you're in trouble, right?" She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, no.  I remember," I replied.  "I was hoping you would forget."

Alia hopped off the desk and set her hands on her hips.  "Come on.  You know the drill, down goes the pants."

I groaned and stood up.  Sometimes I regretted telling her to spank me when we first started dating.  I had gotten high before school and she was very concerned and upset that I did it during school and not on a weekend night.  So I had playfully suggested she punished me, and it eventually became a routine.  But I would never ask her to stop.  Not when I could already feel myself getting hard by just thinking about her raining fire on my ass.  Definitely didn't realize I had a fantasy about dominant women until I met her.

After pulling my cargo pants down, I kicked them off.  I walked over to one of the student desks and leaned over, resting my stomach against its cold surface.  Then I waited for her to do her part.

I could hear Alia pull the paddle out of the drawer.  The room hadn't been used since paddling in school had been banned.  The paddle had been forgotten, so we borrowed it from time to time.  Then we would put it back in the drawer, free game for the other students to play around with.

She stepped up beside me and grabbed hold of the top of my boxers and yanked up on them to make them tight against my butt.  She rested the paddle on my right cheek to aim.  Then she lifted it and smacked it down on its mark.  I inhaled sharply. Smack! The next landed on my left.  She rained down hard and swift swats, making sure to circle my entire sit spot.

"Ow!" I yelped.

Alia paused and took off my boxers and rubbed my reddened bottom.  "You doing ok?" She whispered.

God her voice sounded angelic, even when she was stern.  "Yep." My voice came out more shaky than I was expecting.  Despite trying to put on a tough front, I completely failed.

"We're half way done," she said before starting to paddle my bear butt.

I yelped with each smack.  My legs quivered and I worried that they would fall beneath me.  But I managed to stay up.  My body jolted as she showed no mercy raining hell on my ass.

By the time she was finished, tears were silently streaming down my cheeks.  She set the paddle aside and gently pulled me into a hug.  I felt her soft kiss on my face as she helped me pull my boxers and pants on.

"Stop purposely failing school," Alia scolded quietly.

She was never one to raise her voice or continuously scold or call me a bad boy when I screwed up, but she always made sure to get her point across.  A gentle soul with a firm hand.  My only guide to the light in this dark world.

"I won't promise anything," I whisper in her ear.  "But I'll try."

Our lips met again and she squeezed my butt. I yelped as pain shot through my leg.  She giggled playfully.

"You think that was funny?" I suddenly scooped her up, laying over my shoulder.  She gasped in surprise and I smacked her once on her butt over her pleated skirt.  "How does that feel?"

"Hey!" She punched at my back, but she wasn't using much force.  I shifted her over, carrying her bridal style.  Her arms wrapped around my neck as she placed her head against my chest.

"Do you want to go get Toco Bell?" I asked.

"Sure, we can't be long though," she said.

I walked over to the door, unlocking it and walked out into the halls.

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