Stolen Car (Erica and Sam)

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When I asked Erica, my house mate if I could borrow her car, I expected her to be a little reluctant. After all I did wreck my car a few days prior, hence why it was in the shop and needed to borrow hers. Yet I didn't expect her to outright reject my request. The right thing to do would have been to find a friend to take me to the movie I so desperately wanted to watch, but instead, I took her jeep while she was sleeping.

Erica and I had shared the same apartment for the past year and a half, but have been best friends since practically the first grade. She was also the only person to truly care about me during the nineteen years of my life that I had lived thus far.  Neither of us had parents, both being orphans that stayed in an orphan home. Sometimes we were split apart because we were sent to foster homes, but none of them worked out for very long.

That being said, that was why I took her car. It was no different than taking a sister's car without her consent. Or perhaps she was more to me than just a sister, but we never discussed being anything more. Being so close to her, I didn't see how things could go wrong.

Obviously, I was never the one who thought about my actions and the consequences of them ahead of time. I got an idea and would go with it. Erica was the opposite. She was the logical one who would constantly overthink everything. Throughout my life, she was the one who always pulled me back in place and smacked some sense into me. Then do it all again.

The movie hadn't even been that good. In fact, not only did it let down the hype, it was just downright awful. It was nothing like the books and the characters were all wrong. Especially the female lead who was all whiney and constantly caused all the conflict and was seen as the hero even though it was her love interest that died to save everyone's butts. She had been such an empathetic person with kind characteristics in the books.

But my disappointment was soon forgotten when I got back in Erica's jeep and turned on my phone. I had a very long angry text from Erica who apparently got the note I left on the counter where her keys should have been. I simply texted back that I was on my way and I started the car.

Sweat began to build on the back of my neck as I drove into the apartment parking lot. I knew I was going to get lectured, but a part of me finally realized just exactly what I had done and the gravity of the situation. I truly dug myself into a shit hole, hadn't I?

I trudged up the stairs. I thought about stalling and just standing outside of our door, but Erica swung it open. Her face was red and furious. Without a word, she grabbed my arm and yanked me inside and shut the door. Another pull and suddenly she was sitting on the couch and I was thrown over her knee. Her hand began to smack the seat of my pleated leather skirt in swift, sharp spanks.

A cry escaped my throat in surprise. Honestly, I shouldn't have been. Erica had been spanking me since we were fifteen. No one else was there to keep me in check and she was the only person who cared that I didn't screw my life over. Yet she was definitely not afraid to bruise my butt, and I should have realized that my bad decision would land me in this position once again. Even if I was almost twenty years old.

"Sam Rena!" She scolded while she continued to spank my bottom like an angry mother. Not that it was too far from the truth. "Did I not tell you that you could not take my jeep?"

"Ow! Erica, you did, but-"

"The only but in this situation is yours getting spanked," Erica cut in. "And did you not just take my car anyways while I was sleeping? After I told you no?"

"Yes," I said, doing my best to keep my voice strong. There was no point in lying. It was just better to get the punishment over with.

Erica paused and lifted up my skirt and yanked down my panties and shorts. Her leg locked mine down as she began to swat my naked bottom. I could already feel the burning redness, but I knew that this was only the beginning. I wasn't going to be able to sit comfortably that night or the next few days.

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