Bubbles on the Brush (Harper and Lauren)

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I'll post part 2 of my other story some other time. I'll probably be on hiatus again due to some personal stuff happening, but hopefully not for too long. Anyways, enjoy!


Hot streams of water ran down Lauren's back. There was nothing more peaceful and refreshing than a hot shower. Unfortunately, her bliss was rudely intrupted by a hard knock on the bathroom door.

"Lauri, I need to talk to you about something," the girl said. It was her roommate, Harper, the head prefect of the all girls academy.

Lauren let out a loud sigh before she switched the shower off. Talking was rarely a good sign when it came to her roommate. "Yeah, you can come in."

Harper walked in while Lauren stood behind the shower curtain. She stood right in front of her, Lauren could tell by the shadow. She nervously ran a hand through her wet hair.

Considering the circumstances, she wasn't sure if she liked the fact that the head girl was standing within reach while she was drenched and naked. No matter how much she wished Harper would toss all her clothes aside and join her in the shower. But that would be against conduct. As head girl and prefect, they needed to set an example and it was a good way to get their titles stripped.

"Is something wrong?" Lauren inquired.

"I don't mean to accuse you of anything, Lauri, but Emily told me that you did go to a late dorm party on Wednesday. You know. After lights out."

Lauren pressed her lips tightly together. Harper had been home that night for an emergency home visit. So she wasn't at the dorm at all to know about the misstep. Unfortunately, gossip spread like wildfire amongst the girls, so there was no use denying it and adding lying to her list of infractions. "Yes. I did. I went to make sure that there wasn't any funny business. There weren't any drugs, alcohol, smoking, or vaping. They wouldn't dare while I was there."

"But you were up with them past lights out and you didn't report them?"

Tentatively, Lauren let out a sigh. It was true that she wasn't the best example of the perfect student. She was a good friend (always making sure none of them got expelled) and that was why she had been elected by her fellow classmates. It was a bonus that her and Harper shared a dorm and worked well together. She never intended to cause problems or disappoint Harper. But temptation was a real thing and playing cards with a room of giggling girls were memories that always left her with a good feeling.

"Yes. I'm not going to deny it. The games were harmless, but I did lose track of time. I felt like it wasn't worth reporting them, especially when it was the only time. Plus they didn't bother anyone or cause problems."

"Lauren, you're a prefect. You're supposed to be the better example," Harper said sternly.

"I know..." Lauren sighed. "I would have told you, honestly, but I wasn't sure if you would have my title stripped. I take my authority seriously, and I know I messed up that night. I'm sorry."

Harper's voice softened. "I know. You're a good friend, Lauren. However, I can't just let this slide. I think you know what's coming for you."

A cold chill ran up the girl's spine as her face flushed red. She did know. After all, she had seen Harper spank a few girls for less. It was only fair that she would face the same punishment when breaking the rules. Yet it didn't make her heart stop pounding against her chest.

"I'm opening the curtain, and I'm going to spank you. Are you ready for it?" Harper set her hand in the curtain and her shadow moved.

"Yes..." Lauren's voice came out meek, but she appreciated the warning before Harper just swung the curtains open. Either way, Harper was going to see her whole body, but  she was sure Harper would offer a towel if she wasn't comfortable with it.

Harper flung the curtain open and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, one leg in and the other out. She patter her lap and Lauren got down on her knees. The prefect laid her body against the tub and across Harper's knee outside of the tub, ignoring the butterflies swarming in her stomach. Her hands rested on the floor to hold herself up as her wet, pale bottom was pointed towards the ceiling. The perfect position for Harper to swat it.

Biting her lower lip, Lauren waited for the impact of Harper's hand on her cheeks. After a moment of silence, her wait was met with five harsh slaps to the curve of her bum. She held her breath as Harper began to smack harder.

"You know why you're receiving this punishment," Harper began, not stopping the spanking as she spoke. "You're going to tell me who the other girls were that stayed up and we're going to spank them too."

Lauren could feel her bottom burning from the spanking as Harper explained the situation. It made sense. If the headmistress found out that both her and Harper knew about the little late party and no punishment had been dealt than they would get in trouble with the headmistress as well as the girls that participated. No one wanted that. No. Harper and Lauren giving the girls a spanking would be a mercy.

"It was Hannah..." Lauren gritted her teeth to keep her voice level. "Sophie... Tina...and Mary..."

"Was that all of them?" Harper gave a harder smack making Lauren whimper.

"Yes. Emily stopped by for a handful of popcorn and went back to her dorm."

Harper stopped spanking momentarily, rubbing Lauren's reddened seat. "Was this before or after curfew?"

"I'm not certain. I wasn't keeping track of time..." She said.

"Alright. I'll confront her. When we're finished with your punishment, we'll take care of the other girls. First, we need to finish."

She laid heavy swatts to the girl's bum, making Lauren yelp.

Harper grabbed the bath brush and place on Lauren's reddened bottom to aim. Lauren gasped. "Harper-"

"No. It's only fair. You were the person in charge who let it happen."

Lauren didn't get a chance to argue further. Harper began to lay down hard smacks with the brush against her rear. The smacking sounds echoed off the walls as Lauren yelped and squirmed in pain. Her bottom had to be painfully red. It hurt so bad, she cried out as her sobbing began to grow louder.

"Harper, please!" She cried, kicking her legs out. She didn't mean to, her body was just reacting to the seering pain of the wooden brush.

"Stop kicking! Do you want a spanking when you go to bed too?" She threatened.

"No!" Lauren yelped. "It hurts!"

"I know it does. It's called a punishment for a reason."

Lauren did her best to remain still. Harper must have noticed because she didn't say anything further. The swats were heavy and loud against her bottom. The girls in the dorm next to them were probably hearing the whole punishment. Chances were, the whole school would know she got spanked by the next two days. It was big news when a prefect got spanked. Luckily, most of the girls were kind and would probably never bring it up.

The rain of spanks finally ended with an extra hard swing. Lauren yelped and laid limply across her roommate's legs. She felt Harper gently rubbing her shoulders to comfort her as she cried. They remained like that for a good ten minutes.

"Alright, it's time to get up," she said soothingly. She helped Lauren to her feet and brought her into the dorm room.

Lauren momentarily forgot that she was still completely naked. She caught sight of their long mirror on the wall. Her bottom was bright red, a couple bruises were forming as well.

"Lay on the bed," Harper ordered.

She obeyed, letting her body lay front first across it, her throbbing rear pointed at the ceiling. She watched through her sniffles as the head prefect rummaged through the drawer and pulled out a bruising cream. She unscrewed the lid and began to massage the contents onto her bottom. Her hands were warm and gentle, soothing the pain a little.

"That should do it. After dinner, we're going to have to visit the other girls. Can I trust you to do that?"

Lauren nodded. "Yes. I promise I won't disappoint you again."

She smiled and stroked Lauren's dark hair. "I know."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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