It Begins... (Part 1/2)

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This is the first chapter. This is also part 1, most of my chapters will be in parts. This is generally short compared to the others that have already been written, so stay tuned for more!




No solace found in the passage of years,

Only a deepening well of unshed tears.

Regret's bitter fruit, forever I taste,

A haunting melody, my soul's embrace.


Blue stood up, pulling his arms out of the river and shaking the water off them. He glanced at them to make sure all the blood was washed off. 

He and his fellow rainbow friends had just finished another successful hunt. Another group of small humans had trespassed into their play place again. That had been the second group this week, and Blue was getting worried that the humans were getting too suspicious about the play place.

He let out a small sigh as he stood up. He couldn't say that he liked hurting them. Something inside of him told him that they didn't deserve it. 

He knew that he was just being too soft, Red wouldn't stop telling him that after the last incident a month ago when he turned back from his Predator form during a hunt.

Blue's best friend, Green, hobbled through the doorway, feeling the walls with his long wavy arms. He began making his way to the other entrance, but stopped when he heard Blue.

"Green! Over here." Blue said, waving at him, even though he knew Green couldn't see it. He waited patiently as Green walked over, being careful not to trip as he made his way over to the small wooden bridge that Blue was standing on.

"Hey Blue." Green said, and even though he was usually soft spoken, Blue could tell from his voice that something was bothering him.

Blue wrapped his arm around Green, helping to steady him while also comforting him.

"Green, what's wrong buddy? I can tell you have something on your mind." Blue said, using his more serious voice to let Green know that he didn't mind listening.

Green shifted a little bit, and his googly eyes shook around a little. "I didn't get anyone this time. I could hear them running all around me, but every time I stuck out my arms in their direction, they were gone." Green said, curling into himself a little bit.

Blue rubbed Green's back with his arm. Green relaxed a little bit at that gesture. "Are you afraid that the others will be mad?" Blue asked, looking at his face even though Green's googly eyes weren't looking back at him.

Green shook his head. "No. I know they won't be mad. I just feel useless, like I'm only getting in the way." He mumbled.

Blue took Green's hand in his own and squeezed it.

"No. You are not useless. You help us out when you drive others right to us. Without you, it would be so much harder." Blue said with a little fierceness in his voice just to let Green know that he meant it.

Green smiled at that. "Thanks." Was all he said in response though. Blue was worried that he didn't convince Green, but he didn't have the chance to say anything as big purple hands slid out through the bars of the vents behind Green.

"Oh, hi Purple." Blue said. Green turned around as Blue said that, and waved his arm until it brushed against the purple monster's hand, letting Green know exactly where he was.

"Yep. Just me." Purple said, trying to pat Green's head, but Green kept shaking off Purple's hand. Blue did have to admit, Green was really soft, so he could see why Purple kept trying to pet his head.

"How long have you been here for?" Asked Blue, also walking up to the vent on the wall.

"Long enough to hear your conservation, but it's okay, I don't have to tell." Purple told him. Blue knew Purple well enough that no secret was safe with them. But he decided to not mention that and he shrugged.

"No, it's okay." Green said. Walking up to the wall and feeling it with his arms before turning towards the vent and sitting down next to it.

Blue followed suit and sat down beside the vent too. "So, Purple. Have you noticed that this was the second hunt this week?" Blue asked, peering down at him.

Purple seemed to ponder that for a second, then they grunted. "Hm. I guess you're right. I bet it's just a coincidence." Purple told him, waving their hand dismissively.

"Yeah..." Blue said quietly, not quite believing it himself, but decided to drop it for the time being.

The three friends started talking about all of the humans that they caught during that hunt, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Meanwhile, Blue couldn't help but feel like something was somehow wrong.


And that concludes the first part. Thank you to anyone reading and I hope you have a great day/night!

Next Chapter: It begins... (Part 2/2)

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