Forever Could be Better (Part 2/5)

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Hello again!

I promise I'm getting to the chapter's just a struggle to draw this SPECIFIC RAINBOW FRIEND-

Anyway.'s your chapter again!


Orange (🍊)

Smiles and laughter, a facade so grand,

While secrets whisper, like shifting sand.

For in the shadows, they take their hold,

A heavy burden, hidden in stories untold.


No warnings this time. Enjoy!

Orange had finally begun to calm down after what felt like an eternity, so he stood up, and with but a glance at the corpse before him, walked off.

He walked down a curved ramp. It still looked like a cave, but had...was that massive candy? He eyed the "candy" as he walked. The more he traveled through the ride, the more he realized what was going on.

Somehow, this park must have been themed after the Rainbow Friends. Orange definitely didn't want to think about the past more than he had too, but he did remember that the Rainbow Friends had been inspired by something, right?

Orange was certain that it was all connected. He truly wished that it wasn't as bad as all of the other truths that he had been forced to face, however.

Finally, he saw the entrance to the ride, and upon walking through it, found himself looking out over the park.

It was certainly very bright, and very cluttered with all sorts of colorful attractions and games. Orange did notice, though, that it was completely empty.

Orange began to wonder where the Rainbow Friends were, had he already missed them somehow? He drew his gaze over the park, but found that he couldn't see much from where he was currently standing.

He saw a small building that looked like a small shed, and pushed the door open. It swung easily, as if it were made to be plowed through.

Orange could almost picture the kids running around, having lots of fun in the brightly colored fictional world that they would become immersed in, with the Rainbow Friends truly bringing it to life as they all played pretend together...

He shook his head, trying to brush away the wistful thoughts. It was all in the past, he would have to keep moving on and suck it up if he wanted to make any progress.

Orange almost tripped and fell down, as the other side of the door had a ladder, which he climbed down. It was a small office that he found himself inside of. There was a desk, as well as multiple outdated pieces of technology that probably didn't even work anymore.

He barely glanced around, uninterested, as he pushed open the next door, which led into a hallway. The ground had a large blue carpet, and the walls were textured with stone bricks.

After pushing through two more wooden doors, Orange began to wonder if he would somehow get lost amongst all of the doors. But as he exited through the last one, he found himself outside again, but now in the middle of the park.

He turned around the look at the building that he had just exited. It was a big blue building, and it reminded him of Blue's Castle back at the playplace. He saw a cardboard cut out of Blue at the front, and instantly understood that it was some version of Blue's castle indeed.

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