What's In A Friend? (Part 2/3)

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Here is your chapter.

Enjoy! (Cuz I have nothing else to say this time)


Orange (AGAIN-)

Looking into the eyes of the enemy,

Seeing a reflection of their own fear.

They can't leave them behind,

Despite the danger, despite the risk.


Orange had finally managed to doze off a bit, as he had eventually come to the conclusion that he would need some rest.

However, it was short lived, as he once again heard the door slam open. He jumped up in surprise and excitement as he saw the same human from earlier run into the room.

He waited patiently for them to pull the lever on his food machine, but they didn't. Orange looked on, starting to panic slightly as they still made no move towards the machine.

The human was staring at the door in fear as they slowly backed deeper inside the room. Their eyes were darting back and forth between Orange and the door.

Orange looked towards the door as well, curious and concerned, just in time to see Green bursting into the room, throwing the door to the side with a force that caused a loud slamming sound to echo through the room.

Orange stood up on his ledge in shock. Green almost never entered his lair. Why was he here?

Unless...he had seen the human run into the room. Orange cursed to himself as he remembered the glasses that Green now wore. The monster must have been looking around for the human.

Green waved his long arms around. His sight apparently still wasn't good enough to locate the human in the room, but it was obvious by the way that Green slowly explored the place with his arms that it wouldn't be long before Green found his prey.

Orange saw the human back into a corner, whimpering softly.

Green must have heard it, however, because he suddenly changed directions and started to walk towards the human.

Orange found himself watching anxiously as his half-blind friend tried to find the human. Orange knew that he should help...but he couldn't make himself do it. This human was supposed to feed Orange so that he didn't have to run his laps.

The human ran past Orange's ledge, trying to escape Green, but was cut off by his long arms.

Orange still stood there, conflicted, as he watched the human get cornered. He didn't know what to do. He felt stuck, just like the human probably did.

Trapped in the same cruel game, doomed to continue on until death, whenever that may be.

Orange knew that he couldn't just let them die.

Before he even fully processed it, he reached down and wrapped his claws around the human, lifting them up with a small grunt. The human let out a gasp and struggled before falling silent as Orange tried to shush them.

Orange pushed them to the back of the ledge, praying that Green hadn't seen anything. He remained there, frozen in shock and fear as Green continued to flail his arms around, visibly frustrated.

After a couple moments, Green let out a low growl and stomped out of the room, leaving Orange and the human alone together.

Orange glanced back at the human, who was frozen as they watched him with wide eyes. He didn't even know what to think.

Why had he done that?

Orange sat down and brought his legs to his chest, curling into a ball. He groaned as he realized that he may somehow be in even worse trouble than before, if Green somehow remembered any of that.

The human was going to die anyway, maybe Orange should just put it out of its misery before it died a more brutal death later.

His thoughts were interrupted by something touching his shoulder. Orange glanced up and saw that the human had moved towards him and let its hand rest on his shoulder.

He met their gaze, and the two simply stared at each other for a few heartbeats, as if trying to understand each other.

Orange felt a wave of confusion as the human searched his face. Why did the human seem to care about him? It looked...concerned.

The human moved its hand to Orange's neck, tapping on the collar questioningly. It made a human noise, but Orange didn't understand it. He simply shook his head, ignoring the pitying look the human gave him.

The two sat there for a while, until Orange pointed down at the food dispenser half-heartedly. The human nodded in understanding and climbed down from the ledge, pulling the lever.

Orange followed right behind and began to eat the food that spilled out. He forced himself to eat it all, although he could barely get it down with the human watching him so intently.

As Orange finished, he looked back up at the human. They reminded him so much of Chase. Of all the other kids he used to love.

None of which he had given names, but all of which had a special place in his heart.

Orange supposed it was worth it, saving this human, if it meant he could spend a last few minutes with one of them.

He hesitated, before stepping forward and quietly wrapping his arms around the human.

The human tensed up for a moment, before relaxing as they realized that Orange wasn't trying to strangle them.

After a moment, they reached their arms up and hugged Orange back, squeezing him tightly.

Orange felt a tear slide down his face. It was just like he remembered. Back then, when he had gotten hugs from children all the time.

Maybe...the human didn't have to die.

It was a crazy idea, but maybe he could help this person survive. Orange knew that he might as well finish what he had started.

He could be there to make sure the human escaped both the Playplace and Odd World without dying. Without showing his own face of course.

It was risky, but as Orange hugged the human, he knew that it might just be worth it.


There's another chapter y'all. 

Oh yeah, also thank you guys for 3k reads.

I've gotta go get some sleep.

I hope you enjoyed and may you have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: What's In A Friend? (Part 3/3)

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