Forget Your Regrets (Part 3/5)

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It may not erase the troubles we face,

But freedom provides solace, a moment's grace.

A respite from chaos, a breath of fresh air,

A reminder the life is not always unfair.


Yellow growled in frustration as Green waved his arm a little bit too far in his own direction again, knocking down his card tower. 

He wanted to be mad at the green monster, but he found that he couldn't for more than a couple seconds because the poor thing was blind and only trying to have fun with him and Cyan.

Green, at hearing Yellow's growl, jumped back and curled his arms inward to avoid hitting anything else. "I'm sorry!" He squeaked, his little googly eyes glistening.

Yellow quickly silenced his frustration, "No no no! It's not a problem, really." Yellow said, waving his arms as if to cover up his mistake. 

Green didn't look convinced at that statement, he still looked guilty.

Luckily Cyan was there to help diffuse the situation that was akin to someone trying to stop a toddler before they burst into tears. She stepped forwards and stood beside Green, seeming very confident and nonchalant.

"I, for one, am actually very glad you did that Green. Finally we can go do something that doesn't involve sitting here, listening to Yellow's anxious breathing for hours on end." She said, which caused Yellow to glare at her, but Green looked like he felt better after that comment, which was what she had been hoping for.

Yellow huffed in annoyance, but didn't say anything about it. 

"What did you have in mind?" Yellow asked Cyan.

Cyan straightened up at that. "I thought you'd never ask." She said, then began walking off. Yellow grabbed Green by the arm and led him as he followed her. Green giggled as he let Yellow drag him along.

Cyan led Yellow and Green outside, into the space behind the playplace. 

They were all allowed out there, but they knew not to go too far, or else someone would find them while they were out here. They did have some open space and an entire part of the woods to themselves. It was a secluded place, no one could hear or see them.

Cyan ran forwards into the sunlight as Yellow closed the door behind Green. Green gasped as he smelled all the different smells and felt the sun on his fur.

"We're outside!" Green said excitedly. 

Cyan hummed in affirmation. 

"Out here, we can run around with no worries!" She said, turning around to face Yellow. "Or fly." She added, noticing how he instantly softened up at that added comment.

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