An Odd Bond (Part 3/4)

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Have you ever read a story, and then suddenly you reach the end of published parts, and you think. "Oh come on! Why hasn't the author updated yet?"

And then you realize that you are the author?

I think I might be stupid. the next chapter hehe. :)


//CHAPTER 11.3

Orange  (🦎🧡)

Friendship shattered, trust destroyed,

A rift that may never be bridged.

One friend lost, 

But the other, overjoyed.


Warning: Emotions and mild violence

The scent of the Lookie seemed to be coming from the bright purple attraction. It looked a little bit like a cave at first glance, but Orange knew that anything could be inside.

Orange observed it, wincing at the bright light that it emitted, then began his way inside. Orange was just about to tell the human to stay put when he heard some more stomping.

Before he could even get a glimpse of which friend it was, he dragged the human into the purple attraction with him. He ignored how they tried to struggle out of his grip, and only tightened his claws around their arm.

He looked into their eyes, pleading with them to trust him. After a moment, the human stopped struggling and quieted down, but still seemed tense at the prospect of Orange holding them so tightly.

After a moment, whichever friend that had been stomping around at the top of the staircase left, and the two were able to relax again.

Orange pointed to the small table with a candlestick sitting atop. He didn't want the human to come any further into the attraction with him, so he tried to tell them to stay put.

The human didn't take the hint, however, and they began to walk further in. Orange sighed in defeat and followed them into the misty interior.

It seemed like some sort of very simple maze. The walls were made to look like hedge bushes, and there were some obviously fake eyes staring at them through the painted leaves.

The human glanced back and forth, before spotting the Lookie that Orange had smelled. The human walked over with a smile and lifted it up, turning around to show Orange.

It was a bright pink one. It let out a couple hums and purrs as it tried to wiggle away, but settled down after a moment.

Orange also let out a small smile, glad that they had been able to find it without much trouble at all.

But of course, that meant trouble was bound to happen next.

Both Orange and the human froze as they heard a soft padding sound. It almost sounded like muffled footsteps.

Orange looked around. It didn't sound like any of the Rainbow Friends, which scared him perhaps even more. The human moved a little closer to Orange as they too, glanced around warily, squeezing the Lookie tighter.

As the two looked around, searching for the source of the noise, they failed to notice the threat coming at them from below. Two large, purple hands reached up just behind them, grabbing onto the human's leg.

The human let out a sharp cry of surprise as it dropped the Lookie. Orange turned around, shocked, as the purple hands began to tug on the human.

The human stumbled to the ground, letting out panicked cries as the purple hands wrapped themselves around its waist, pulling them down towards the mist.

Orange quickly ran over, almost tripping as he scrambled to reach the human before it was too late. He couldn't let them die. Not now.

The human was still struggling for its life against the long, thin arms, which were obviously Purple's. As Orange neared, he saw fear and desperation in its eyes.

He tugged on the arms, trying to get them to loosen their grip, but Purple held fast. Orange didn't seem to be able to pull the human away.

He continued to pull, desperate to save the human that he had already worked so hard to find and protect. If he failed now, then it would all be for nothing.

Orange could feel the human slipping out of his grasp. It was as if Purple was now pulling harder. Orange gasped for breath as he struggled to keep a firm hold, to rip Purple away from them.

He wasn't about to leave his friend.

At that moment, Orange knew what he had to do. He tensed up, embracing his predatory instincts, and poured all of his strength into giving one last, big pull.

He strained against the force of the other Rainbow Friend, but he could finally feel Purple's hands moving. He continued to pull, grunting as he just barely managed to dislodge Purple's hands from the human.

The human stumbled forwards, hitting the ground with a thud. They immediately tried to scramble away, but were still obviously exhausted from the struggle of being pulled in between two strong monsters.

As the purple hands darted towards the human again, Orange felt a rush of anger. Why couldn't Purple spare someone just this once? Orange had worked hard to get here, and he knew he couldn't let Purple get away with this now.

Orange lunged towards Purple's arms, opened his jaw wide, and bit down hard on Purple's thin arm.

The two of them almost seemed to freeze, as if neither of them could believe what just happened. Orange looked down, his jaw still clamped on Purple's arm, and saw two big eyes staring at him from underneath the mist.

Orange expected to see a blank, predatory look in his eyes, but didn't. In fact, what he did see surprised him.

Purple's eyes were sparkling, watering with unshed tears.

Orange gently let Purple go, watching as the shy monster backed away into the deep mist, letting out a high-pitched, pained cry that seemed to echo around Orange even after he had disappeared.

The air was thick with uneasiness as the others watched his betrayal with wide eyes.

Orange remained frozen, realizing what he had just done.

He just hurt Purple for the sake of a human. For the sake of a human that he barely knew. He could feel tears of his own gathering in his eyes.

What if he just ruined everything?

As Orange became lost in his thoughts, he was vaguely aware of the human standing up in the corner of his eye and picking up the Lookie, which had surprisingly not rolled away yet. Instead, it still had its large eyes trained on him.

Orange turned to look at the two, unsure about their reactions. But while he had expected for them to simply continue, the human walked back up to Orange, smiling. They said something in their own human language, but Orange still didn't understand.

Maybe they were saying, "Thank you."

While Orange still deeply regretted what he had done, at least his new friend was alive and safe.

That was what mattered, right?


Do remember that I will take suggestions. While some might not make it into the story, I still want to make this as enjoyable as possible for you guys.

With that being said, goodbye for now and may you have a good day/night reader!

Next Chapter: An Odd Bond (Part 4/4)

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