Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 1/3)

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A chapter! 

Oh, and what's that? I've finally managed to write characters interacting with each other like normal people?!



Alone, they find themselves, side by side,

In a world of possibilities, where love can't hide.

Moments of silence, filled with anticipation,

As their souls connect in sweet fascination.


Yellow watched as the others left, feeling excited but also nervous about the new responsibility that had just been laid on Cyan's and his shoulders.

As the Rainbow Friends all disappeared through the way they had come in, Yellow realized that he would truly be alone with Cyan for a while.

He could feel his heart pounding as he imagined all of the time he could spend with her. Just the two of them, alone. All of Cyan's attention could be directed at him.

As Yellow glanced at Cyan, he wondered if she might feel the same about him too...

"Well! Um..." Yellow said, trying to distract himself from his own thoughts. Cyan jumped slightly at the sudden loud noise, but didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"I guess we can go explore then." Cyan said, "All of this...just to ourselves! With plenty of room to chase those pesky humans!" There was an excited glint in her eye as she spoke.

Yellow smiled, his propellor pack softly whirring as he met her gaze. He had barely realized before, but this was something that he had always wanted.

Not just freedom, but Cyan by his side, just the two of them, together.

"Let's go see what we can find then." Yellow said, keeping one eye on Cyan as he turned around, being careful not to whack her with his big metal propeller.

Cyan nodded and began to follow him happily as he chose a direction and went to go find something interesting. Yellow didn't have the chance to appreciate it before, but the park was truly a sight to behold for a monster who had rarely been outside.

But before he could make it very far, Cyan stopped walking and let out an excited squeak. "Oh, Yellow! I almost forgot, but I've got to go fetch something real quick." She said, and ran past him.

Yellow wasn't sure what she could have been getting inside of the park, but after only a moment's hesitation, he shrugged his shoulders and followed her, curious to see what it was.

Cyan led him into a cave-like ride, where she led him up a small ramp, excitedly muttering something about the hunt. Yellow felt a stab of concern when he caught the word "human", but decided that he would just let Cyan take care of it.

As she led Yellow to the top of the ramp, he saw what she had been talking about. It was a human, but it was limp, Yellow assumed it was dead. There was quite a mess, blood was everywhere, and it looked like it had been violently mauled.

"Cyan! What is this?" He said, gesturing to the body with his wing-like arms. She walked over to it and sniffed it.

"It's a human. During the hunt, it got away from me about three times. So I punished it, and left it to die in pain." She answered, still inspecting the body.

+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark ))) +Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora