The Night Looks Brighter (Part 5/6)

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Oi, I'm back. And I have your words.

Oh, by the way, this is a longer chapter, so enjoy!




In a world once shrouded in darkness,

A friend's sight is now a beacon of light.

Eyes that once knew only shadows,

Now dance with the colors of the day.


Warning: For like, one swear word. But you guys will be fine.

Blue led Green outside, watching his face as the once-blind monster took in the sight of the outdoors.

Green turned in a circle, looking at anything that moved or waved in the wind, seeming completely mesmerized by it all. Blue smiled as Green gently picked up a fallen leaf, turning it over gently in his long fingers.

"It's beautiful." Green said, sitting down in the grass, still gazing at the insignificant leaf.

Blue heard Orange, Cyan, and Yellow stepping around behind them, but sat down next to Green for the moment.

Blue was so happy that Green could finally see, even if it was just a little. It wasn't just Green gaining the freedom to do as he pleased, but it was also as if he had been saved. Blue felt like it was a new dawn, and perhaps they could forget all of the hardships they had faced, and start over.

But Blue knew that it was impossible.

All of those nights that he had argued with Green, trying to convince him that he was worth caring for, worth saving. All of the times when Blue had been terrified of leaving Green alone.

The things that had been said, the things that could have been done. They could never be completely erased.

But maybe this was a first step. Blue truly hoped so. He only wanted the best for all of his Rainbow Friends.

Especially Green.

Green looked back over at Blue, probably unable to see the expression on his face. Blue still wasn't exactly sure how many details Green could or could not make out.  

"I can't believe I can finally see all of you." Green whispered.

Orange sat down on Green's other side, resting his own claws on the monster's long fingers. "I'm glad too." Orange said, looking up at the trees.

"Me three. More than you could ever know." Blue said softly, turning to look back at Green, noting the soft smile that he wore.

Nothing made Blue more happy than seeing Green smile.

He really did owe Red, didn't he?

Blue glanced back at the others, watching as Yellow hovered in the sky, and as Cyan sniffed the air, her non-existent nose raised up as she checked for any unusual scents. He noticed that Purple hadn't come outside yet, but trusted that he would be out soon.

Blue looked back at Green to find the not-so-blind-anymore monster looking straight at his face. Green didn't say anything, but just stared for a moment, before looking back at the trees.

"You- uh...I..." Green said, seemingly at a sudden loss for words. Blue glanced curiously at him, but stayed quiet, waiting for him to find his words.

Green looked back over at him before starting again. "I...just uh...didn't really expect...uh...the way you look?" He said, with a nervous laugh.

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